Now God only knows what this parable actually means.
"Probably only God knows what it's all about.... But there are others-others," he said, and just then the girls' car drew up, "who think it's me who understands, and so I must be God."
They have no idea that God knows their needs and so, as Pastor Tom taught yesterday, they try to do for themselves what only God can do.
Sometimes we fall for those, forgetting only God knows, So if it doesn't happen, that only means we deserve better than what we lost, hope.
When you're chained to a Machine, though, waiting for God knows what, you have only two options.
What on earth a good girl like Mary wants to hang around with that crazy bunch for, God only knows.
I'll stop playing at my funeral, and only God knows what I'll do after that.
God alone can judge our intentions. God not only sees what we do but also knows what we think and what leads us to do what we do.
God alone can judge our intentions. God not only sees what we do but also knows what we think and what leads us to do what we do.