I want to qualify what I said earlier—I didn't mean he couldn't do the job, only that he would need supervision.
I do believe in people being able to do what they want to do, providing they're not hurting someone else.
What I want to do is making a new engine that really just consists of two engines, side by side.
When asked what they want to do, they should be discouraged from saying "I have no idea".
What should I do if I want to have more juniors coming out of the sports academy, or if I want them to be better?
When I grow up, I want to do what you're doing.
To inspire (激励) you, here are reader-submitted questions we've published in previous issues: My mom signs me up for camps and activities without asking what I want to do.
No matter what I do to the money, you will still want it because it is still worth $20.
If I want to decorate my website with some Chinese elements, what should I do?
Today I have a great system enhanced by a lot of help from both books and forums, and it lets me do what I want to do with my computer.
Today what I want to do is give you some sense of this body of writing.
What I want to do now is now turn our attention to, okay,what are some of those points?
Because I prepared to bet all on this (new film), I want to do all of what I've endured so far.
Then, I tackled the big question: What do I want to accomplish as a freelancer?
What I want to do is to provide a state of the art introduction to the most important topic that there is: us.
What I want to do is challenge people to see that things can be done differently.
To be honest I have an unclear view of what I want to do with my major once I graduate.
Since these are 90-day objectives, you should began by asking yourself the question, What do I want to accomplish by March 31?
"Oh, that's what I want to do," I remember thinking when I watched Spartacus for the first time.
Within just a few mouse clicks, I have a class that can be nearly complete, depending on what I want to do with it (see Listing 2).
Interpretation of divergence. You can think of it, you know, what do I want to say first?
Nonetheless, having done that, let's look at what I'm going to do. I now want to run a loop where I need to collect things together.
I'm doing what I want to do, not what is expected of me, and you should do the same for yourself.
So, what I want to do is, I want to discuss the scientific notion of language, at first restricting myself to systems like English and Dutch and American sign language and Navajo and so on.
What I want to do, I want to talk about Jeremy Siegel's book and the equity premium puzzle.
What are my strengths? Where do I want to be in 5 years, 10 years, 100 years?
What I want to do is have a chance to listen to you and also answer your questions.
"What I want to do now is not focus on my views but on the views of the Turkish and Armenian people," he said.
What medical decisions do I want this computer to make on my behalf if you're a consultant?
What medical decisions do I want this computer to make on my behalf if you're a consultant?