I want to apologize for what I said to you yesterday because I was in bad temper at that time.
What I want is for you to synthesize information to reflect back on what we've read and discussed and to form your own ideas, not just repeat points from the textbook.
But before we get started, I want you to take a moment to think: does anyone know what the single most popular style for a house in the United States is today?
To inspire (激励) you, here are reader-submitted questions we've published in previous issues: My mom signs me up for camps and activities without asking what I want to do.
In production code, you would not want that; but for early testing, something like what I do is helpful.
I want to hear what you think, your objections to my position and your arguments for and against these ideas.
If you say, 'God, I just want to do what you put me on earth to do,' I guarantee you, God will bless everything you touch because God is looking for people he can use to fulfill his purposes.
I know it's been repeated over and over, but women want you to know what you want and for you to be looking for it!
To those who call me callous for being so matter-of-fact about losing a baby, I ask, what do you want from me?
What I want to do over the next couple of weeks of devotionals is point us to principles God has given us in a place you might not think was intended for marriage.
And this is what linguists do for a living so if you hear me talking about this and say, "I want to spend the next forty years of my life studying that," you should become a linguist.
I'm doing what I want to do, not what is expected of me, and you should do the same for yourself.
This lecture is not over yet but I want you to know that this is what we're going to apply - for many lectures to come — the decomposition of a complicated trajectory into two simple ones.
"I don't want to be focused only on the Carling Cup and wait for that as you never know what happens during the league, and you have to be prepared for every single game," he said.
Out of love for them, should one say, "Well, Ok. You know, you want to go roller skating on the edge of a precipice, what am I to say is I hope you survive." Right?
It's very helpful for me, as I address you, to think about what you're seeing in the text, and that helps me to think about what I want to say to you.
I want to write down for you equations for a moving particle a moving object in three-dimensional space very complicated motion which I can hardly imagine what it's like.
This week I want you to make a list of the gifts God has given you - don't forget to include your SHAPE and the things you can't control. Ask yourself,"What has God given me for good to use for good?
I think as long as what you want to do is legal, won't harm anyone and is what you want to do, you should go for it.
Sarah:First of all, I want you to know that I’m really enjoying working for our company. What do you think of my job here?
They can say, 'I don't want to work for a large company,' or 'I don't want a lengthy commute.' The flip side of what you don't want is what you do want.
Now I want to offer you 3 building blocks for trying to understand what China is like just as a beginning.
Or you can say it in anticipation: “Your will be done, because I know it is the best and that’s what I want for my life today!”
I want to know what you ache1 for and if you dare to dream of meeting your heart's longing2.
God's hand took mine and we were silent for a while, and then I asked, "as a parent, what are some of life's lessons you want your children to learn?"
I said, "Is your reason for being on the planet that you want to make sure everyone knows what Dad did twenty-five years ago?"
What I want to do for you is to constitute My Son into your being to be your treasure.
What I want to do for you is to constitute My Son into your being to be your treasure.