And we know what that's equal to, this is something we've been over and over, ionization energy is simply equal to the negative of the binding energy.
And it should make sense where we got this from, because we know that the binding energy, if we're talking about a hydrogen atom, what is the binding energy equal to?
And it says that the divergence of the electric field is equal to, so this is a just a physical constant, and what it is equal to depends on what units you are using.
A more balanced and equal exchange of energy in and out is what we are all aiming for to rejuvenate ourselves naturally.
Maybe the argument goes wrong by assuming that identity — when a is equal to b, it's always equal to b, no matter what.
If you look at what is happening, you'll see quality content - equal to magazines and television.
And what that means is all these terms, all these Boltzmann factors, we just set them equal to one.
What I can stress is that no copy is equal to the original, it will always be inferior to the original product.
What it says on each small flat piece — it says that the line integral along say, for example, this curve is equal to the flux of a curl through this tiny piece of surface.
What this equation merely says is that the present value of your remaining payments is always equal to the mortgage balance.
Therefore, we must have one value from the group S1, S2,..., S30 equal to one of the values from the group S1 + 14, S2 + 14,..., S30 + 14, which is exactly what we wanted to prove.
于是,在数组s 1,S2,…,S30中必有一个值等于数组s1 +14, S2 + 14,…,S30 + 14中的一个,这正是我们需要求证的。
So, you cannot really set them equal because you don't know what f is equal to in advance. Yes?
So, if we just rearrange this equation, what we find is that z effective is equal to n squared times the ionization energy, IE all over the Rydberg constant and the square root of this.
Because what we're saying here is we want a function of a plus b, which is equal to the same sort of function of a times the same sort of function of b.
因为我们这里需要的,是a +b的函数,这个数值等于a的函数,乘以b的函数。
z So what we end up seeing is 34 that the z effective is equal to positive 1 . 3 4.
So what we've discovered from this relationship dq that du at constant volume is equal to dq v.
Now if we look at Raoult's law, it's straightforward to say what is the chemical potential for each of the substances in the liquid and the gas phase. Of course, it has to be equal.
The constraint is that the sum of all the mole factions has to be equal to one That's what it is, to be a mole fraction.
You already know that EMPNO will be equal to the value '000010' because that is what the WHERE clause tells DB2 to do.
您已经知道了empno将等于值“000010”,因为那就是where子句要DB 2做的事。
What is equal? People need equality is what? Can realize equality? How to realize the equality? And so on these problems.
To see the values of variables the GDB 'print' command is used with the variable name. We can see what "no1" and "diff" are equal to by typing 'print no1' and 'print diff', resulting in.
要查看变量的值,使用gdb'print '命令并指定变量名。
So what you wanna do first is section your hair of the top and divide it to two equal strands.
What makes us Americans is our Shared commitment to an ideal — that all of us are created equal, and all of us have the chance to make of our lives what we will.
Then in that sense, what you are saying is, if that person was not exhibiting what you preferred to be in a relationship as an equal sharer, then that was not a relationship you preferred.
What this tells you is E In particular,if you have an empty region of space or a region 0 where nothing has electrical charge then E has divergence equal to zero.
What we need is a smart system of infrastructure equal to the needs of the 21st century a system that encourages sustainable communities with easier access to our jobs to our schools to our homes.
What we need is a smart system of infrastructure equal to the needs of the 21st century a system that encourages sustainable communities with easier access to our jobs to our schools to our homes.