What is it about Tom Hanks that cinema-goers find so appealing?
There is one thing I would like to know – What is it about Tim that you find so irresistible?
What is it about mothers and daughters?
What is it about the tropics that so fosters biodiversity?
What is it about women who feel the need to call their man 10 times a day?
If I say Mike is tall, what is it about that sentence that makes it false?
What is it about music and rock stars that transform people's emotions, behavior, and lives?
WHAT is it about "flying cars" that makes otherwise sensible engineers lose touch with reality?
What is it about that future you that tells you as clear as day that they're happy and content?
What is it about his past, his home life, his standing in the company, that makes him act as he does?
But it's not fine for the Times Magazine to publish a frontpage story called "What Is It About 20-Somethings?"
What is it about a work of art that enables us to identify it as art, as distinct from an ordinary object or event?
DeveloperWorks: So what is it about Web 2.0 that's demanding this kind of a shift in the way information is managed?
developerWorks:那么对于要求实现这种信息管理方式转变的Web 2.0又是怎样呢?
But the first one is simply, is death bad, as we typically take it to be, and,? If so, what is it about it that makes it bad?
Most people would agree that these things are amazingly annoying, but what is it about them, exactly, that irritates us so much?
But while few would dispute the health benefits of such a diet, what is it about the Mediterranean menu that makes it so healthy?
What is it about a chair that makes you immediately apprehend it as a chair, even if you've never seen that particular type before?
And what is it about fitting rooms that brings out the worst in people? You stick gum to the walls and even leave dirty diapers in there.
What is it about the facts about life and death that seem to make it misguided to think? We should just put them aside and pay no attention to them?
What is it about music that's so useful when we first meet someone and what kind of information can we extract from the music another person likes?
Next time you catch yourself complaining about some fault in others, ask yourself, "What is it about myself, in relation to this topic, that I don't like?"
While for us, end users and consumers it's more interesting to know what is it about iPhone multi-touch patent that Apple plans to protect with whatever arsenals the company has.
What is it about the simple songs of our youth and joyful giggling of children that, with only a slight twist in context, become the creepiest, most demonic sounds in the universe?
It is actually about what their peers think of them, what their social norms are, what is seen as desirable in society.
The funny thing is that if you love what you do and are really passionate about it and work really hard, then money kind of comes automatically.
The funny thing is that if you love what you do and are really passionate about it and work really hard, then money kind of comes automatically.