When creating a design I often find myself throwing out elements I don't need after I ask myself what is the purpose to this design element?
Complete all of your filming, and start your post-shoot script. The purpose of this script is to help you or your editor know exactly what to do to complete the project.
Complete all of your filming, and start your post-shoot script.The purpose of this script is to help you or your editor know exactly what to do to complete the project.
Two or three people can easily keep track of who is doing what and for what purpose, and they know who to talk to about the different design issues that might arise.
It's meant to be. The purpose of the Guerilla Girls is to shock you, to make you notice what they are doing.
That's because the general purpose language (like C#) does not tell you how to use it or what it should be used to describe, it has no bounds. The domain of things it can describe is so vast.
If your design is all dark and brooding and has a city skyline at sunset in the header, it's not going to give us even the slightest hint about what the site's purpose is.
The first step in growing out from self is to understand what your purpose, goals, ideas, and dreams in life are.
The purpose of doing this is for the participants to recognise that there are different confidence levels in the room and for the facilitator to assess what format to use for subsequent discussions.
Willingness to obey - This attitude is crucial: you don't come to your quiet time to choose what you will do or not do, but with the purpose of doing anything and everything that God wants you to do.
Now that you’re clear on what your purpose is, brainstorm the ways in which you can take actionable steps to reach your goals.
What your application actually does with the translated data is, of course, specific to its own purpose.
Now that you're clear on what your purpose is, brainstorm the ways in which you can take actionable steps to reach your goals.
Deciding what type of root element to use is important because it states the document's purpose, at least in broad terms.
To justify taking the red pill we might ask what is the purpose of an ignorant existence?
Here the purpose of speaking is not so much to get a point across, more to find out what others think about it.
Since the purpose of "going to the gemba" is observation and learning, the tour included a daily review of what was seen and learned.
由于 “到现场去”的目的是观察和体验,旅程中大家每天都会回顾一天的所见所得。
The purpose of our report is to let people offer solutions to these problems, not to stir up social turmoil and lead to misunderstandings and even to the distortion of what is really happening.
The secret to marriage is to “grow-up,” the purpose of marriage, as is the purpose of life, is to grow-up and become what you were designed to become.
The secret to marriage is to "grow-up," the purpose of marriage, as is the purpose of life, is to grow-up and become what you were designed to become.
The purpose of our report is to let the readers offer solutions to these problems, not to stur up social turmoil and lead to misunderstandings or even to the distortion of what is really happening.
The purpose of RDF is to map what are natural language statements about resources and information into a format that a computer can parse.
If the purpose of such a move is to reach a negotiated FMCT, we should be clear, if not clearer, about what the objective of the prospective treaty is in the first place.
The purpose of this article is to help you understand what functional indexes are and how they are used.
The purpose of the music Genome Project is to make predictions about what kind of music you're going to like next.
The purpose of the music Genome Project is to make predictions about what kind of music you're going to like next.