What is worse is that many interesting programs are segmented by a lot of boring advertisements, which makes us feel annoyed.
What is worse is that the model contains a latent function of indication guidance and regulations with regard to the contents and directions of artistic creativity.
What is worse is that about 3 million people die of the relevant disease derived from smoking every year all over the world. If you smoke a lot, you will be unhealthy.
What is worse is that over three quarters of the population fear presentations in front of people even though, eight times out of ten there is nothing to fear or be anxious about.
That means a higher proportion of what is in the sea is being caught, so the real difference between present and past is likely to be worse than the one recorded by changes in catch sizes.
What is potentially worse, is that this loss can accumulate-saving multiple versions of artwork can cause degradation with every save.
These beliefs further suggest that the desire for correctness, the very idea of better or worse in speech is what is left over from noble and humble times.
What is curious about this game is that, in order to punish the first player for his selfishness, the second player has deliberately made himself worse off by not accepting the offer.
What the current crisis does underline, however, is that a cyclical downturn associated with a collapse of the banking system is by an order of magnitude worse than a normal cyclical downturn.
RAEBURN: now, these issues have come up before in other kinds of contexts, but what you're telling us now is that personalized medicine is going to make this even worse.
What this experiment is showing is that the availability of threats leads to worse outcomes to the extent that unilateral threat is preferable to bilateral threat to both parties.
What management forgets by "downsizing" is that if they run a business that is neither effective nor efficient, things will only get worse with less people expected to work harder.
Welcome to English in a minute. Falling is no fun, you can get hurt. Falling through the cracks sounds even worse. But is that what is really happening here?
Falling through the cracks sounds even worse. But is that what is really happening here?
What is more important is that history, notably the history of the world after the second world war, has demonstrated beyond dispute that every other system of economic organisation is far worse.
Bohm: what I want to say is that knowledge is never be able to solve psychological problem. No matter what kind of it is, it only makes problem worse.
Oh, that is terrible. The fax has been muddled. What is worse, page three is missing. Would you please ask them to send the fax again?
Benzene is a toxin that affects your kidney and liver... What 's worse, it is extremely difficult for your body to expel this toxic stuff.
What is more important is that history, notably the history of the world after the second world war, has demonstrated beyond dispute that every other system of economic organisation is far worse.
Working two jobs is worse than only one, for now there is so little time to do what you want that there is great deprivation that the body and human feels over time.
What the current crisis does underline, however, is that a cyclical downturn associated with a collapse of the banking system is by an order of magnitude worse than a normal cyclical downturn.
What is even worse is that many of them confuse these turns with modern dynamic race turns.
"What prevails here is worse than garbage," he said. "Because China emphasizes stability and harmony, the greatest utility of these pop songs is that they aren't dangerous to the system."
"The crisis is big, it is probably something that is similar to or worse than what we saw in 1992," added Kamalingin.
"The crisis is big, it is probably something that is similar to or worse than what we saw in 1992," added Kamalingin.