Our school will be equipped with iPad in every classroom. What a great piece of information for us!
That may be true, but that still does not tell us much about what happens across a whole generation of people when time spent on digital media grows.
What we can do is to try using the classical description of the atom, and see where this takes us.
We all know that we are the product of our genes, but what are all the steps from gene to us?
So what does science tell us about what a few moments on the floor means for the safety of your food?
So what does all this tell us about animals' consciousness or animals' awareness of themselves and their state of mind?
Each episode will focus on a different area of science and tell us what we know, how we know it, and what we still don't know.
8 percent of young people are missing breakfast every day. However, studies on the health effects of missing breakfast are rare. As for us teenagers, what are your opinions on breakfast?
What does science tell us about what a few moments on the floor means for the safety of your food?
The fire saved us the agony of deciding what to keep and what to get rid of.
Our privacy and security on these sites—in terms of how much we share with others and what we consume—are ultimately up to each of us.
There is no need for us to cater to the expectations of our parents, instead, we should ask ourselves what we want.
Professor Henderson, could you give us a brief overview of what you do, where you work and your main area of research?
What is not certain is whether we should follow, or be suspicious of, what our bodies are telling us.
It's important for us to understand what we've read instead of just copying from textbooks and learning facts.
Much of what we know and believe has been taught to us by others, and we often accept this information without spending much time thinking it over for ourselves.
The collapse of their isolated civilization, Diamond writes, is a "worst-case scenario for what may lie ahead of us in our own future".
None of us stayed long. I mean, the atmosphere wasn't – well, you know what I mean.
That whispered message, half invitation and halt forcing, is what most of us think of when we hear the words peer pressure.
Over the past year, the human voice has helped guide us over the ups and downs of what was certainly a stormy time.
In gentle tones, the minister of education advised me on how to talk with the smallest ones about what recently befell us.
What the botanist tells us after a number of imperfect lectures, the flower proclaimed in a minute.
In the real world, what we should be eating is spinach, brussels sprouts and cantaloupe—not as compelling for many of us.
What I'm saying is, I loved my university because it taught us all to be resourceful and we could make what we wanted out of it.
This is part of what led us to the realization that Lechuguilla is in that small group of waterless caves.
In fact, to be honest, I struggle even now to think of things we have in common, but maybe that's what makes us enjoy each other's company so much.
That supplies 80 percent of what is consumed, so even covering the whole country in livestock farms wouldn't allow us to cover all our meat and dairy needs.
For those of us in the latter group—consigned to coach, bereft of Flash Pass, too poor or proper to pay a placeholder—what do we do?
Other inventions—the wheel, agriculture, sliced bread—may have transformed our material existence, but the advent of language is what made us human.
Actually, all of us desire to achieve success, but sometimes our actions don't correspond with what we desire.