What other things should we do?
IL: What other things are you interested in outside of OSS and Ubuntu?
And we got a hint of what could happen last May, during the flash crash, but we have no idea what other things might happen.
After finishing my Screen segments, I realized that it may be interesting for my readers to see what other things the bash or ZSH shells can do.
With some complex software, it tries to use that information to predict what other things you might like, even if nobody you know has ever offered an opinion on those things before.
What was her delight at finding the tobacco and all the other things?
Explaining what the data revealed, he said, "What you see is that even after three years, mental health is still better, which is unlike many other things that we think will make us happy.
Chemistry is about the smallest things that other bigger things are made of, and what happens when they change.
A chemical process is what happens when chemicals come together to make other chemicals, and therefore other things.
By the way, in this review, I looked for what was obvious or easy to do — I am sure that other things are possible beyond what my passing efforts accomplished.
And this, among other things, is what American parents - with the best intentions in the world - have achieved for the American male.
What I mean is, if you can't make things happen yourself, then by involving other people you'll just waste everyone's time.
[font=Verdana]What those other things will be is still unclear, but satellites are a possibility.
"You shouldn't try to copy the top performers in PISA," he says, "because position in those league tables depends on lots of other things besides what happens in schools."
You can build on what other people did, and provide things for other people to build on.
But what about things that send commands from other queue managers?
Apart from the idea of connecting everything to the Internet, what are some other things people are showing interest in?
Apart from the idea of connecting everything to the Internet, what are some other things people are showing interest in?