What the hell do you think you're doing following me around?
What the hell was Tom doing going to Pandora?
"What the hell are you doin '?" one yelled.
So what the hell was Tom doing going to Pandora?
Peter thinks, 'What the hell is she talking about?
So we were walking the dog after and I said, what the hell are you doing here?
The kid laughed and asked me: "What the hell did you drag me into here for?"
Then a streak cuts across the sky and an onlooker asks, “What the hell is that?”
Face flushed, Chappelle turned on Nina. "What the hell is going on here?" he demanded.
That reminds me - what the hell is the deal with the prizes in Cracker Jacks these days?
If I didn't want to die what the hell was I doing on a beach in California with a gun?
He steps closer the window and looks into the black, "What the hell is going on in there?"
This is the war room, it's called,"salon de guerre" I don't like Versailles. What the hell.
"What the hell are you doing?" she asked, wondering if the stress had finally gotten to him.
But damn… surely we should be able to ask: what the hell is going on if you need hatred to get off?
But what the hell is love? No one knows the answer exactly. The only thing we can make sure is.
"What the hell am I doing here in the midst of you?" Bale said, referring to all the talent in the room.
Eventually, she recovered enough to ask what the hell he was doing in her room in the middle of the night.
But I had always wanted to find the right timing to well organize them and find out what the hell had I benn thinking!
Her only reaction to the news that Weddington and Coffee had won was fear. "I thought, what the hell have I done?"
You're going to lose an hour of sleep, and then I thought but what the hell, you've pretty much lost everything else.
“What the hell are we saying in the West,” he asked at the event in London, “if journalists are forced to take refuge in Cuba or Moscow?
You don't discover the cause of something like AIDS by dealing with incredibly obscure things. You just look at what the hell is going on.
"Many of my friends would say, 'that is just too high a price to pay' but what the hell, nothing ventured, nothing gained, " Croot said on eBay.
科鲁特在网上表示:“我的许多朋友可能会说,‘你赔大了’,但什么是地狱呢? 地狱就是没有冒险则没有收获。”
"Many of my friends would say, 'that is just too high a price to pay' but what the hell, nothing ventured, nothing gained, " Croot said on eBay.
科鲁特在网上表示:“我的许多朋友可能会说,‘你赔大了’,但什么是地狱呢? 地狱就是没有冒险则没有收获。”