It is no part of ours to describe what was a massacre rather than a fight.
These focused on everything from budget models for CPU and memory to standards documents that describe in detail what customers will get and who will support it.
The technique can be employed to describe how the service consumer interacts with the service provider, explaining what the service does without describing how it is implemented.
That's because the general purpose language (like C#) does not tell you how to use it or what it should be used to describe, it has no bounds. The domain of things it can describe is so vast.
Orchestrations describe what an overall process appears to do without specifying how any of it is implemented.
Building teams is like building software. It's easier to describe what not to do than it is to identify the intangibles that make good software development teams jell.
Another way to describe an Enterprise service is: a service whose name is familiar to the CEO or line of business owner, and the latter CARES about what it does.
It should also improve security, providing a common data set that gives the authorities electronic access to some 20 documents that describe who is shipping what, whence, whither and to whom.
What happens on the earth when a moon dies is not easy to describe; I'll try to do it by referring to the last instance I can remember.
Once the Semantic Web exists, it can provide the ability to tag all content on the Web, describe what each piece of information is about and give semantic meaning to the content item.
一旦语义Web存在,它就能够提供为 Web内容做标记的能力,可以描述各部分内容是关于什么的,并给内容的项目提供语义。
What we need to do next is describe this CICS-based Web service so it can be published and discovered.
When Paul tried to describe what love was, in I Corinthians 13, he said that it “does not seek its own.”
He has written several blog entries that describe the process and provide some insight into what it is like to work with the Mozilla code base on the ARM architecture.
Often, users do not know what they want; or if they do, they don't know how to describe it.
I tell them to describe what they're doing and to be straightforward, even to imagine that the patient, who can't see what they're doing (I have a mirror but I don't always use it), might be blind.
For example, the language used to describe what a customer is and how to categorize a customer is often business-specific, and it might differ between company divisions.
Architecture: Describe what an architecture comprises, and where it fits in to the overall software development process.
Instead, you want to describe the role of what it means to be a registrar and leave design issues to your design activities.
Don't try to describe what the software change will specifically do, just leave it at something like, "Changing this software will result in an increased expense for sales."
Recently a group of researchers decide to try to find out what love is by asking a group of children to describe it.
To explain this and other interesting features, I need to describe what the indexer does with the parser's AST and how it interacts with the PDOM.
While is this a very worthwhile use of DSL, it is also worthwhile to use DSLs to describe software architecture: this is what we do here.
She used it to describe some men who she said were changing the country's ideas about just what is — and isn't — masculine.
It's so flexible that you can use it in any way that you want to describe almost anything you want. Which means it's also hard to verify if you have at the end what you intended to have at the start.
In order to further simplify their usage, DSLs are usually highly declarative and describe what needs to happen, rather then how it is done (the latter is responsibility of the language implementer).
Here's how it works. The laser's short pulses give the molecules being investigated what the researchers describe as a little "kick," causing the mystery molecules to vibrate.
But the words we use to describe what machines do, including whether we use the word "think," has more to do with how we view ourselves than it does with the actual capabilities of the machines.
The best way to describe what the app can do is to show it to you.
The best way to describe what the app can do is to show it to you.