After this you should summarise what you've presented and close with what I call "next steps".
Even the title was a challenge: What do you call this thing he was teaching? MAP was boring.
I call this the paradox of "busy," because what you want to do and what you need to do are opposite.
This is important to note because this interceptor can be applied to many different EJBs, so you can't make assumptions about what type of call is being intercepted.
So you can see, if it's spinning on its own axis in this direction we'd call it spin up, where as this way it would be what we call spin down.
What I like about this command is that you don't have to call up any GUI-type tools to quickly get a sense of what is going on from a memory perspective (see Listing 2).
In this pitiable state I must have lain for what you call hours — with us there are no hours, there is no time.
This will mean great changes in the lives of many as you prepare for what we will call the "Final Shift" in this process in 2012.
这意味着很多像你们一样的人的生活会发生巨大的改变。 这改变的目的是为了准备我们所说的在2012事件中的最终变化。
But this is what we call progress, Unfortunately, If you look at every area of technology in this country, as you advance there are fewer and fewer manual-type jobs.
When you call this code from your client page, you actually use the async interface, and GWT converts it to the main interface, which is what the server side will see.
I shan't tell my reasons for making this inquiry; but, I beseech you to explain, if you can, what I have married: that is, when you call to see me; and you must call, Ellen, very soon.
But this may not be the case; in some student cases there are what they call reverse culture shock. This can happen even before you leave to come home.
Be aware that, no matter what you do, your final decision -- to keep this person on or fire them -- will always be a judgment call to some degree.
The second bit of humility we'll end the class on is I am presenting here, and I'll be presenting throughout this semester, what you can call a mechanistic conception of mental life.
This data and ultimately the print data are being put to use in a variety of ways ranging from security codes to what you could call gimmicks.
This is the maximum you can ever lose, and this is what we call the internal kinetic energy of the system.
In fact, what we'll call for the purposes, liberals and conservatives in Jerusalem, because there was conflict in Jerusalem at this time over how much Hellenization you should go along with.
First of all, you can see what the method call looks like in the call Sites column. You can also see the name of the file that contains this code.
This is generally because a larger light source will create a smoother transition between light and shadow, or what you might call softer light.
You will be seeing in this lecture hall many demonstrations that I will be doing in the future with what I call an "air track."
What you get is what I call an anchor in this column-a hand-hold that gives people the clues they need to direct integration and to improve data quality.
What I'd like to do today is talk to you about how it is that we moved from this old model to what it is that today many institutions call the Yale model.
This series will take you on a tour of what I'll call, for simplicity, game infrastructure providers — a subsection of the overall games industry that includes the following.
本系列将带领您考察所谓的游戏基础结构提供商(game infrastructure provider),这是整个游戏行业的一部分,包括以下几类公司。
Workmate2: Well, this is fate. She 's divorced, we don' t want to redo the cabinets and you need a wife. What do they call that when everything intersects?
You can directly tie in to this energy of unity what we will call the expanding unity.
Once you find a close fit, you start configuring this process (as depicted in Figure 7) by selecting or deselecting what we call "method packages."
This is another rather boring line of code: Just call newTransformer() on your factory and supply the method with the XSL stylesheet you want to use. Listing 4 shows you what to do
You can and should find a way to heal what psychologists call the "mother wound. " My favorite strategy for this is to make yourself another mother.
But there is a reason for this kind of teaching, what we call "the Socratic method." And I want you to know what that reason is.
I don't really know who else to call but I was hoping you could maybe tell me what feedback you were getting from the Outer Colonies this week?