Let me just tell you a bit about what you can see in the Sculpture Park.
And what you can see is we have this new constant that we haven't seen before.
At some point, you've got to get off the tricycle of only believing in what you can see.
And I won't go through it, but what you can see is it's more or less, it is in fact, exponential.
If you choose Visible Part, it'll only capture exactly what you can see right then in Chrome.
The end result of the words you put on paper will be a movie, so write only what you can see and hear.
No, you shouldn't try to explain reasons for the data in writing task 1. Just describe what you can see.
And what you can see in this picture is that these are actually, they're pretty young guys in this picture.
You should see a bunch of JSON-looking text in your browser window similar to what you can see in Listing 11.
您应该可以在浏览器窗口中看到一些JSON 样式的文本,它们与清单 11中的内容相似。
That's precisely what you can see in the SOAP request message in Listing 7, and this is what is causing the problem.
这正是在清单7 中您可以看到的SOAP请求消息,问题的根源就在于此。
And what you can see straight away is you start to have a different relationship to the Numbers. You can literally see them.
What you can see. Allow yourself to notice things you might otherwise miss when your mind is so distracted with worries and fantasies.
It was demanded that the working conditions be improved as soon as possible. But nothing is different, just like what you can see now.
And what you can see directly from looking at this energy level diagram, is that the molecule that we have is now more stable in the individual atoms.
So what you can see is that the people who would be worried the most are the recipients of these grants and contracts, like universities or medical centers.
The eye ICONS to the left of each selection show what you can see of the map - when these are shown, you can see that part, and when they're not, you can't!
If we think about bringing in those last two carbons, what you can see is that for every carbon, two of its hybrid orbitals are being used to bond to other carbons.
"What you can see in the magnified pictures are the crystalised carbohydrates that have become sugars and glucose, " explained Lester Hutt, 35, the founder of Bevshots.
And what he found here, which is what you can see and we can all see pretty clearly, is the slope of all of these lines is the same regardless of what the type of metal is.
As a well-known contemporary artist Viola said: art is not to show the world what you can see, but to show you can not see, you should take the visual world into your range.
So what I want to point out about them is that they're made up of two nodes, and what you can see is that nodes are shown in different colors here and those are different phases.
You can google someone you've recently met to see what information is available about them on the Internet.
You can see what was making the rustle in the undergrowth.
At the bottom of the paper were these words: "See what you can do when you keep trying."
Place them somewhere you can see and smell the sweet bouquet because the flowers represent what we all want to say.
You can look at the timeline charts in the back of your textbook to see when things were invented in different cultures at about the same time to see what I'm talking about.
Lay everything you're taking out on the bed, so you can see exactly what you need to pack and spot any missing items promptly.
From what I've said so far, you can see that being an active learner involves both skill and will.
At all the attractions there is helpful information, so please read as much as you can, and if you want to see what you've remembered, please do the quiz after your visit.
For those of you who are a bit unsure, we do have a video you can watch to see what happens.