The listening journal you assigned us to keep for the Intro to World Music class, I am not sure I understand what to do.
Even if you highlight important points or take notes in a class, you probably do not fully understand what you learned.
The value of this type of comprehension testing is that it enables you to find out what people do not understand.
While I do not agree with what you say, I understand your reason for saying it.
Do not worry about what you cannot remember, or cannot yet understand, or cannot yet say. It does not matter. You are learning and improving.
Of course, that is not all you need to do, to make sure that people understand what the services are all about.
I don't think there is anything wrong with what you are doing, but I'm not sure it is terribly useful to people who are trying to understand how to do refactoring in an Agile context.
Not allowing you to access the core of yourself allowing you to understand what is the right thing for you to do on your path.
Kao, We would like to see your sincerity, Do you think that we did not understand what you are saying do?
Try this: I hear you saying "no." I understand you do not want this. Let's figure out what we can do differently.
They are right of Chinese market do not understand, can you be in centrally what respect?
What do not understand or do not understand, just sit back and relax as long as written, you can hear the sounds of the explanation.
One of the first and most important things to understand is that no matter what you do, not everybody is going to respond positively to you.
If I talk frankly, please remember that I do so, not out of harshness, not out of cruelty, not out of the enthusiasm of my purpose, but because I want you to understand what I am saying.
And do not worry. If there is something about what we've just gone through you do not thoroughly understand, it will all be clear to you soon enough.
Ask him or her to rephrase the sentence when you do not understand what is said.
No, 'she persisted,' I won't: I can't tell what to do to make you talk to me; and you are determined not to understand.
We are lucky to have these clips of masters showing us their work. Unfortunately I do not understand Italian, so I cannot tell you what he is saying!
Gradually... you can not do without it "thoughtful", and this time you will really understand what you want in the end?
Gradually... you can not do without it "thoughtful", and this time you will really understand what you want in the end?