It is usually a semicircular wheaten food with stuffing.
The breakfast irregular, took more cakes and wheaten food could cause the child to be obese.
Conclusion the VitBco contents of the cooked wheaten food were affected largely by different cooking methods.
"The world wheaten food in China, the Chinese wheaten food in Shanxi" is to the Shanxi wheaten food strong approval.
The utility model relates to a device for making wheaten food, which belongs to the field of food processing machinery.
Uses: a kind of quality improver used in canned food, juice drinks, meat, milk products, wheaten food and bean products.
Cooked wheaten food, one of the basic principle foods, is fully displayed according to the need of plot in the variety opera of the Yuan Dynasty.
Light refreshments have infinite variety of shapes and pictographs, which has greatly enriched the kinds and categories of our country's wheaten food.
All kinds of functional drinks, vegetable juice wheaten food, vegetable juice biscuit and instant food with vegetable juices as raw materials have cheerful market prospect.
Baked sweeten wheaten cake is one of the Beijing people often have breakfast food. It has a history of more than 300 years, with the most famous Ta Shun & vegetarian baked sweeten wheaten cake.
Baked sweeten wheaten cake is one of the Beijing people often have breakfast food. It has a history of more than 300 years, with the most famous Ta Shun & vegetarian baked sweeten wheaten cake.