The Aborigines began to draw ships which they would have seen along the coast—it's hard for us to imagine what they must have thought when these first began to appear.
"Ten years ago, when the science on the climate issue was first increasing, the influences could be seen as an issue for future generations (子孙后代)," Katharine, a climate scientist, told The New York Times.
Moreover, it was in 2004 that America began importing bees from australia-just when American beekeepers are thought to have seen the first suspected cases of colony collapse disorder.
Note: This screen would be seen only by a developer or a business process analyst when first defining a human task, not by individuals who are subsequently performing those tasks.
The dispute has seen the inside of five courthouses since 1995, when Ms Smith first sued Marshall's son, e. Pierce Marshall, in a Texas state court, accusing him of cutting her off from the estate.
1995年以来,这场遗产纠纷先后闹到了5家法院。一开始,史密斯向得克萨斯州法院起诉马歇尔的儿子E .皮尔斯·马歇尔,指控他剥夺了她的财产继承权。
When my father showed up the day of the wedding, it was the first time I had seen him since our reunion at Boulevard.
Science is really one of those disciplines that when you discover something, you're the first person who's ever seen that.
He was seen by many analysts as a potentially strong contender when he first got into the race.
When you ask employees what employee motivation is most important to them, rarely is money listed first; in fact, in numerous studies we've seen, seldom is money ranked above fifth in performance.
The two were seen walking hand-in-hand at the closing ceremony of the 2004 Athens Olympics, when their courtship first became public.
When she was seen for the first time in X-Men Origins: Wolverine, Frost transformed from a regular-looking human into one whose exterior is encrusted with a multitude of diamonds.
When the supernova first appeared in November 1572, it was as bright as Venus and could be seen in the daytime.
When she had first begun to be seen with Homer Barron, we had said, 'she will marry him.'
When English adopted the word class from French around 400 years ago Greek and Roman were seen as "the original" languages and so were tagged with this "first" meaning.
When it was first released in June 2007, it was seen as yet another over-priced product from Apple.
You should have seen how his brothers and sisters have me the once over when they met me for the first time.
The Chinese mainland has seen four waves of singledom. The first was in the 1920s when marital laws abolished bigamy.
May we say that is why you have never seen an "old" Space Being, and when we speak of long past events it is because we often have first hand experience of them.
We have already seen that when we use an array name in an expression, we are actually using a pointer to the first element in the array.
You should have seen how his brothers and sisters gave me the once-over when they met me for the first time.
I have had scores of waiters and waitresses tell me that when we bowed our heads, it was the first time they had ever seen that happen in their restaurant.
It is always difficult to say no to a puppy, when you first have seen it, therefore - GET ALL the informations, documents and fotos you want, before seeing the puppy.
When she had first begun to be seen with Homer Barron, we had said, 'she will marry him.
He told me when it was first seen, and I be - lieve his story was true.
It was the very same feeling, he said later, as when he had first seen carpet tiles, but orders of magnitude larger.
In a sense, it can be seen as the time when semi-dynamic system is killed, or as the time the first random jump of piecewise deterministic Markov process.
In a sense, it can be seen as the time when semi-dynamic system is killed, or as the time the first random jump of piecewise deterministic Markov process.