Did I treat you like that when I found you in the forest ten years ago?
My life began when I found you and I thought it had ended when I fail to save you.
My life began when I found you and I thought it had ended when I fail to save you.
I admit , when i found you had got along with her well , i even jealoued of my chinese teacher .
"You were weak when I found you. " The voice seemed to come from the far end of a long, deep tunnel. "You should never have survived my training.
I have found it is hard to facilitate (SM) when you are the person also responsible for priorities (Product Owner).
When he found there was nothing in Alex's box, the king smiled and said to the others, "One year ago, I gave everyone a seed which couldn't grow. But all of you, except Alex, have brought me flowers."
I found the slight delay when you lift it from the desktop to be slightly annoying, but once airborne it performed flawlessly.
Personally I found this of virtually no use other than it providing a raised area at the back of the phone which helps stop you scratching the handset when you put it down.
You must remember from the day that I found out that Michael was no longer with us, when my mother screamed 'he's dead' on the phone, I just went into this, 'Who did it?
I found out from one of your account execs that you were in New York when I thought you were in Atlanta...
I found the touchscreen hard work and the physical 'pressing' was made more difficult by the fact that your finger, however slim or fat, tends to 'spread' when you have to press.
“我发现触控屏很难用,而且“按”这个动作更增加了难度。 因为不论手指粗细,按上去之后,接触面都会扩大。”
You can track your time many different ways but some of the best apps that I have found for Android and iPhone are great when you are on the run and need to get a quick statistic to use for planning.
When I got my first job, my father told me, "If you take the blame, you'll get the responsibility." I've found that to be very true.
I've found that when I talk about simplifying or minimalism in general, people are generally positive... but when you get down to specifics, they're not always so enthusiastic.
But then you can tell your kids "you know, I actually found this to be of interest" when referencing a certain section of the book.
I mean, really, when was the last time you found someone who wanted to discuss the theory of relativity or the law of diminishing marginal returns?
You can imagine my angst when I found out that next year I will be participating in the unified robotics curriculum at Worcester Polytechnic Institute, in Massachusetts.
But your book is wrong, Mrs. Strunk, says George, when it tells you that Jim is the substitute I found for a real son, a real kid brother, a real husband, a real wife.
And let me describe a technique that I have found works well as a manager when dealing with people raising complaints about the decision you've made or what path you have chosen.
Live one day, is blessed, you should cherish. When I cry I had no shoes, I found someone have no feet.
I also found myself liking them enormously. When you come to admire people for their working habits and respect them for their moral positions, affection follows closely behind.
Maybe that was part of the problem: searching. I found myself agreeing when I heard John Locke, the main character on “Lost, ” say, “I found it just like you find anything else, I stopped looking.”
Maybe that was part of the problem: searching. I found myself agreeing when I heard John Locke, the main character on “Lost, ” say, “I found it just like you find anything else, I stopped looking.”