When the bus driver opened the door and I wanted to pay the bus fee, to my surprise, he waved me through and said, "Honey, you don't need to pay."
As I near 40 (when you're considered middle-aged and everyone seems to gleefully call you ma 'am), I need some of that adventurous mojo back.
You can track your time many different ways but some of the best apps that I have found for Android and iPhone are great when you are on the run and need to get a quick statistic to use for planning.
I have feelings like you and other people but when I get angry I don't need to show that in front of the TV cameras and the crowd.
I’m not saying that you need to go raw vegan just to cultivate a habit of sleeping/waking early, just that I noticed this particular benefit when I switched to this diet.
我不是说你需要变成一个素食主义者来培养一个早睡早起的习惯,只是我注意到这个特别的好处,当我变成素食主义者的 时间。
Like I showed you in Part 1, you can simply store the key of a related object in another and then retrieve that object when you need it.
In certain unusual cases — and I had a hard time thinking of many, to be honest — you may need to perform specific behavior when your custom objects are iterated over.
Will you be my 'buddy,' a person I can call on the phone when I need support and encouragement?
Will you be my ‘buddy,’ a person I can call on the phone when I need support and encouragement?
A: for starters, when I get asked this question, I typically say you don't need multiple data centers for high availability — you only need one, with sufficient capacity.
But you're only remembered when you win titles. Nobody remembers the losers and I need to go away, work on things and come back stronger.
People said he was a bore, and so he was, I suppose, but when you're in need of food you can put up with worse things than being bored.
I had my fair share of fun but there comes a time when you need to start enjoying life and not focus 100% on work.
I need to know what did you accomplish when using these skills.
I hope you'll understand when I tell you I think I have to live alone (or stop seeing you, or whatever it is you need) and maybe play with (see, date) other people now.
Even when someone emails me with a file I might need, I email them back and say thank you and that I received it.
I just need to mention that there was a type of personal karma involved when you decided to start your cycle of lives on earth.
You don't need a reason, although I recommend doing it when you're alone, otherwise you might get some interesting looks.
Benjamin: I've heard that you provide very good service, so when I need a mover, I call you guys first.
Now, I want to ask a question that we're going to need to think about, the two of you sitting up front here, when I was asking you how you responded to it. Can we have a moral response to this novel?
However, I would recommend that you only activate a data plan when you're sure you need one; it’s only a 30-day commitment.
I've never agreed with that notion, since I think there are times when you simply need to pay down technical debt.
These are just a few topics I cover in this chapter that you need to know when it comes to compiling and debugging your programs.
And second, your mom gave me the pot, back when you were pretending to need something in the room where I had the bourbon hidden.
One of the first questions you will want to ask when dealing with disparate data sources is, “do I actually need to join these data sources together?”
When I made Ponyo, I said to the staff members, "you do not need draw a shadow!"
When I was present with you and was in need, I wasn't a burdenon anyone
When I was present with you and was in need, I wasn't a burdenon anyone