When it comes to public speaking, less is usually more.
More process typically reduces creativity, so you should use less process at the beginning of a project, when uncertainty is an everyday factor.
Investing more when assets are cheap, and less when they are expensive, is both doable and profitable.
That makes sense: when more children survive, parents accept that there is less need for multiple births, and they can afford to put their children through school.
The above footage shows, more or less, what every man is trying to say when he proclaims that women cannot drive.
When the book states, "the greatest carver does the least carving," maybe it's just advocating something along the lines of "Less is more."
The somewhat outdated mantra "less is more" has probably never been more accurate than when it comes to nanotechnology.
More likely, SOX is a convenient scapegoat for the bosses of public companies, who tend to get more money and less exposure to complaints about fat-cattery when their companies go private .
If you don't have the time to do everything you usually do each year, rest assured that less is usually more when it comes to decorating for the holidays.
When doing normal programming with WPF or Silverlight, creating custom controls is more or less just something to do if you happen to need one.
It may have less 'features' than other wiki tools, but sometimes less is MORE, when you are looking for a simple easy way to get started.
This mocked implementation creates less Suggestions when the root is longer, to imitate the possibilities being narrowed by entering more input to the autosuggest-field.
While I do believe there is a place for this, I believe sometimes more is said, when you say less.
Studies have also shown that new cases of type 1 diabetes crop up more often in winter, when there is less sunshine all around, than in summer.
But when we again hear the simple message that there is more joy in pursuing less than can be found in pursuing more, it rings true in our hearts... because deep down, we already know it to be true.
The lipstick effect is the theory that when facing an economic crisis consumers will be more willing to buy less costly luxury goods.
When more complex activity is required, the software wakes up the computer, says Agarwal, a process that typically takes less than 10 seconds.
Many studies have shown that when a job is harder to find or less lucrative, people spend more time on self-improvement and relatively inexpensive amusements.
Another way of putting it - visually, there comes a point when the more messages you fill your page with, the less each item is worth.
When attending grand activities, many brands have a big problem on manufacturing capability and estimation, which is the reason causing more bidding, less manufacturing.
Studies show that women are less likely to run for office; it is more difficult to recruit them, even when they have the same professional and educational qualifications as men.
Make an effort to recognize the contributions of members of your team every single day. And when work is particularly stressful, spend more time with family and friends rather than less.
While the motives of those gathering in Denmark are honorable, their move is deeply unfortunate at a time when the climate change debate could benefit from more regular science and less politics.
Adder venom attacks the blood and nervous system.The venom of an adder bite is less toxic than that of a puff-adder, but it is far more toxic when injected intravenously.
The more issues you fix during the project the less issues you expose your customers to when the application is live.
For example, if process steps correspond directly to Services, then Service reuse is more straightforward to achieve than when the correspondence between steps and Services is less clear.
This is an utterly fantastic claim to make at a time when expected European inflation is, if anything, too low, and what's roiling the markets is fear of more or less immediate financial collapse.
This is an utterly fantastic claim to make at a time when expected European inflation is, if anything, too low, and what's roiling the markets is fear of more or less immediate financial collapse.