We Chinese have the Dragon Boat Festival on the 5th of May in the lunar calendar. That is when the summer season officially begins.
If during the cold season we are not so daring when it comes to wearing vibrant colors, summer instead is perfect for trying fruity, delicious shades.
Maybe the alarm bells should have been ringing at the end of last season when Randy Lerner, Villa's owner, suggested "more modest" spending this summer.
This is giving me some concern. There's a school of thought that when a flu virus is operating in the summer it's milder than when it's operating in the flu season without a change in the virus.
Then, when the usual June bump in traffic failed to materialize, carrier executives said they knew they would need to do more cutting after the summer traveling season.
Yet the timing of the summer break dates from the days when child Labour was too valuable to lose in the vital final weeks of the growing season.
Summer is over we can only remember the bright colors of the season and wait when it comes again.
THE summer dry-season, now drawing to an end, is when the Amazon rainforest gets cut and burned.
If during the cold season we are not so daring when it comes to wearing vibrant colors, summer instead is perfect for trying fruity, delicious shades.
Nearby is an artificial lake. Its water is collected and is used during the summer season, when only very little rain will fall on Mallorca.
"That's why when you train in the summer, getting ready for the season, you're supposed to work in a way so if something like this happens you can continue to bring it. ".
The U. s. driving season, the U. s. Memorial day holiday weekend marks the official beginning of summer driving season, when gasoline demand usually rises.
I had the summer to think about missing last season's final, so when I came back for the new season I had forgotten about it because the future is different.
When France reached the World Cup Final last summer I knew we'd be in trouble this season.
If you give up when it's winter, you will miss the promise of your spring, the beauty of your summer, fulfillment of your fall. Don't let the pain of one season destroy the joy of all the rest.
During the spring and autumn season, you can when cover blankets, summer is you can use when the air conditioning was and thin by use.
For years, peasants in Baitenghui who have supplemented their incomes by growing west celery during the summer off season, have faced difficulties when seeding the crop.
The antibiotic epidemics usually start stop when the summer rainy season begins.
Another theory is that people may stay in their homes more during the dry season, making it easier to catch meningitis from others. The epidemics usually stop when the summer rainy season begins.
If you give up when it's winter, you will miss the promise of your spring, the beauty of your summer, and fulfillment of your fall. Don't let the pain of one season destroy the joy of all the rest.
For instance, if you are promoting a summer-related site, you should start optimization not later than November, so that when the season comes, your site will have achieved the rankings you want.
Throughout the growing season, low Rn and air temperature surpressed stand transpiration during spring. Such control of Rn persisted into summer when sufficient soil water was availiable.
In summer, it's back to strength and agility training four days a week until mid-August, when camp convenes and preparation for the opening of the September-to-December season begins in earnest.
In summer, it's back to strength and agility training four days a week until mid-August, when camp convenes and preparation for the opening of the September-to-December season begins in earnest.