After a shaky start when cash from Gulf countries ran dry, the PA is injecting funds from Western and Arab aid-givers to revive dormant charities in its thrall.
So when Western drug and cosmetic firms look for new elixirs in rain forests or coral reefs, the poor countries from whence they come enjoy a cut of the action.
Why could China still grow when western countries suffer heavy losses from the international financial crisis?
But all of these countries face long odds when it comes to matching western living standards in the forseeable future.
Don't highlight poverty in China when in many western countries, including the UK, there is also poverty.
When people in Western countries need to be formal, they say Mr., Miss, Ms. Or Mrs. With the person's family name.
In the western countries, it is said that people believe in the bad number very much, the number 13 is thought to be the unlucky number, especially when it happens in Friday.
For both of the countries, it embodies the vicissitudes that take place when we contact the western music, namely, an absorbing and digesting process of the western music.
When Western maritime countries generally accepted the idea of territorial waters, the understanding of territory of the ocean in China was very thin.
When we look at similar studies conducted in western countries, what do we see the consistency and differences in the Asian population.
Prisoners in Western countries are not supposed to be tortured, and when they are, there is an outcry if the facts are discovered.
When we are committed to the establishment of a modern enterprise system, the western developed countries are energy into project management.
The culture difference between the western and eastern countries should also be identified and understood when developing the social intercourse training.
When discussing the results of the article, the author also analyzes the reasons for different diversification status between Western countries and China.
When faced with the reality of increased pollution, people will often use the excuse that the Western countries did it first.
But not until 1984, China's "first" joint-stock company was able to set up, when the agency problem was finally introduced from western countries to our country.
But not until 1984, China's "first" joint-stock company was able to set up, when the agency problem was finally introduced from western countries to our country.