Finally the time of the year would arrive when the valley would produce crops, such as wheat, barley, fruit, all ready to harvest.
In 2005, when Nigeria had a bad harvest, traders imported grain from Niger, which borders Nigeria to the north.
The plants don't require excessive pampering to guarantee success, but your chances of a blockbuster harvest grow considerably when you take a little extra care at the beginning of the growing season.
When you reap the harvest of your land, do not reap to the very edges of your field or gather the gleanings of your harvest. Leave them for the poor and the alien.
When you reap the harvest of your land, do not reap to the very edges of your field or gather the gleanings of your harvest.
So the animals trooped down to the hayfield to begin the harvest, and when they came back in the evening it was noticed that the milk had disappeared.
Our brothers and sisters used to know when to sow and harvest.
Practitioners can choose when to propagate others' work into their workspaces and when they will harvest their changes back up to the project models.
Now when harvest time came the devil appeared and wanted to take away his crop, but he found nothing except the yellow withered leaves, and the happy peasant dug up his turnips.
When you can't concentrate it, then the only way to harvest it is to use more and more land.
I was fascinated by the teenagers, who are farmers, and just hang around. When they harvest and grow the rice, they have nothing to do, like teenagers all over the world.
She could tell you to the week when the first dogwood blossom would brighten the ridge, the first blackberry darken enough to harvest.
But supplies are expected to improve when the American harvest begins in the autumn.
Unlike any other grape harvest, the much-anticipated ice wine harvest usually takes place in the dark of the night, when at last temperatures fall to targeted levels and mature grapes freeze on vines.
Emergent design requires the ability to see and harvest idiomatic patterns and abstractions, and tools and techniques to take advantage of those things when they appear.
In ancient times, farmers worshipped the Earth God to pray for a good harvest, when they sowed the seeds in spring.
Speak to the Israelites and say to them: 'When you enter the land I am going to give you and you reap its harvest, bring to the priest a sheaf of the first grain you harvest.
The situation is when farmers have to sell their produce at low prices after harvest, when supplies are greatest.
When spring finally came, they knew that they must not only plant their crops, but they must also build a granary to store the coming harvest.
If all goes well, when the harvest ends in mid-March, the region's 2,300 hectares of bergamot groves will have yielded 24,000 tonnes of fruit, to produce around 120 tonnes of oil.
If all goes well, when the harvest ends in mid-March, the region's 2, 300 hectares of bergamot groves will have yielded 24, 000 tonnes of fruit, to produce around 120 tonnes of oil.
This same WHO report informs us that when glyphosate was applied 5 to 14 days before the harvest of cereals that this resulted in significant residue uptake in the grain and plant materials.
When we pick fruit harvest, you are left to their own chalk dyed white temples of white hair. Honor you, dear teacher!
But when the students to teachers pain, some formed their own large companies, some in a big company also stand out, we also won't let you down, all of which have harvest the fruits.
Canada's Thanksgiving origins are contested, but the US traces the holiday back to 1621, when America's Plymouth colonies shared a three-day autumn harvest feast with the Wampanoag Indians.
Canada's Thanksgiving origins are contested, but the US traces the holiday back to 1621, when America's Plymouth colonies shared a three-day autumn harvest feast with the Wampanoag Indians.