When you start an instance, you specify a key pair that can be used to access the instance when it's up and running.
They may get up when they know they are expected to stay seated and may create a disturbance by running around inappropriately.
Let's specify 12 default agents and wait for an email that tells us when our grid is up and running.
Responsible for supporting the activities essential for ongoing support of the application when it is up and running, especially in the production environment.
We were busy with the hay in a far away field, when the girl that usually brought our breakfasts, came running an hour too soon, across the meadow and up the lane, calling me as she ran.
Injuries sometimes pop up when you're paying too much attention to your running muscles and forgetting about the others.
When you've got a SOA up and running, there's still development work to be done.
When you start an instance, its initial state is pending. That means the machine image is booting, but it isn't up and running just yet.
When you generate a key, Google is nice enough to provide you with a snippet of code that can get you up and running.
You must know the IP address of your tablet and have the SSH server up and running. The other requirement is that you need to connect as user when prompted by the target site.
Mild pain: you feel this type of pain when you start to exercise but it usually goes away as you warm up and continue running.
My pace will be the same-hiking up mountains and running down them, when I can.
It is always a big red flag for me when I show up on site and find mice, elephants, opossums, porcupines, dolphins, and sharks all running around in the same space.
In the city, he said, when you need something, "you pick up the phone and everyone comes running."
It is also a place of fun. Running down a dune is easier than trekking up it, especially when you bound in great leaps and fly through the air.
The dog immediately started running up the mountain, hoping to get his share; but when he was halfway up, the trumpeter ceased blowing, and a trumpet from the other castle commenced.
Armstrong, 51, and his partner Davison, 48, were running out of food and fuel when they were picked up.
Some runners swear that it helps them run better and prevent injuries, while others say it's better to stretch after running, when their muscles are warmed-up.
He loves bundling himself up, heading out in the cold, and moving snow around - can you even imagine someone who sings when running their snowblower?
His running kept the Portuguese defence on the back foot, his passing opened up gaps for team-mates to exploit, and when he found himself in front of goal, he let fly.
To avoid spreading and picking up germs, wash your hands well and use tissues instead of a hankies, when you have running nose.
When I call up that beautiful face and those elegant cocoa-brown fingers running along the sax's keys, I am always convinced of it.
A man sometimes finds a different style when his wife up and leaves him — just takes off running.
The risk is greatest when people take up running. Doctors advise starting gently and working up gradually, to minimise damage.
Right from the first verse, the lyrics of this song can totally be related to running: "' Cause sometimes you feel tired, feel weak, and when you feel weak, you feel like you wanna just give up."
The move comes at a time when anti-banker sentiment is running high and is designed to put pressure on the US and other big nations to come up with workable proposals.
We had just gotten up and running when we were told that we had to cancel all classes and all of our teachers packed their bags.
Running down a dune is easier than trekking up it, especially when you bound in great leaps and fly through the air. We return to the train for showers and coffee like happy Bedouins.
You're at greater risk for a pulled muscle when running in the cold, so warm up slowly and run easy on very cold days.
You're at greater risk for a pulled muscle when running in the cold, so warm up slowly and run easy on very cold days.