When you get bored of looking at the world with your own eyes why not look at it trough a microscope?
When you get bored, just drop your English books, take a break, go wild for a while, and refresh your mind.
When you get bored with your creation it can be dissolved and the material used again to make something new or repair old designs.
But when you get bored of life, you realize that you are not meant to do what everyone does and that your destiny is different than anyone else's out there in the world.
They only want to hear what's wrong in your life and they tend to get bored or change the subject when you mention your successes or happiness.
He said, "Well, this is how I see it." When I read to you page after page from the book (our textbook), I get bored.
Carry a light paperback around with you. When you find yourself waiting for something, on the train or bus, or just bored, you can get the book out.
When you have everyone in the room at the beginning you can possibly do introductions but with a large group that tends to a take a lot of time, and b people get bored.
On the other hand, when you read from a prepared script, you "disconnect" from the audience and people get bored.
And yet, there are times when tattoos don't end up like you wanted them to, or you just get bored with them after a while.
And yet, there are times when tattoos don't end up like you wanted them to, or you just get bored with them after a while.