When you hear the word "yoga", do you think of a person with his legs twisted up like a pretzel?
When you think of starting a new project or going into a group situation with people you don't know, do you feel butterflies in your stomach?
You'd better think carefully before you speak, and be careful when you do your work.
Think about what you can do, so that when you come home every day, you can say, "Home, sweet home!"
What should you do when you come to a word and you think you don't know what it means?
Why do you discontinue compiling your dictionary? Don't you think it a pity to give it up when it is nearly completed?
Add focus and formality as needed in the Subject line and in the message itself. Don’t say “let me know what you think” when you mean “do you approve this project.”
明白”决策”的含义 .这点很明显 但当你要提出一个提议的时候 确保它是有意义的.将你的提议用可执行的语言表达清楚.这里经常会出问题.在你的标题和内容里增加需要表达的问题焦点并且使用必要的形式.当你想询问”你是否同意这个项目”的时候千万不要用”告诉我你是怎么想的”这样的描述.
When you "think manly thoughts," try thinking of only completing the very next thing you have to do.
You think you are so important that everyone CARES what you do, when in fact, everyone is so preoccupied with themselves that they don't even notice or care what you are doing.
When you do make a mistake, think about all of the possible solutions, so that when you tell someone, you can suggest ways to fix it.
When you hear the word "yoga," do you think of a person with his legs twisted up like a pretzel?
Well, when you want to do something for yourself, you don't have to think about your family if you are a single.
That’s the more narcissistic reason — it sounds like it’s in the best interest of the pet but, clearly, when you think about what they’re asking you to do you have to wonder if it is.
When did you decide to create the forums and how do you think the forums have effected your base of fans?
There is rationalization, which is that when you do something or think something bad you rationalize it and you give it a more socially acceptable explanation.
What do you think of when you hear dungeons and dragons, ghost and goblins or Kings and queens?
Do they really feel essential to your life, or when you think about them, do you feel like you'd be better off if you spent money on the list of goals you created earlier this month?
In short, if you tell children that lying is the worst thing you can do, what will they think when they find out that you have lied to them?
Think about it. Do you get more flustered and tongue-tied when you meet the girl (or guy) of your dreams, or someone who is just not that attractive?
Here are a few tips: First, think about what you want to say, not what you don't want to say, because when you try not to think or do something, it is often more likely to occur.
At least this way, you can do so only when you think the page looks good in the preview.
What do you think? Are you often blown away by things that, when you think about them, you really shouldn't be blown away by?
"I think a litmus test is when you... Ask a direct question about 'do you believe this, do you believe that,'" White House press secretary Robert Gibbs said.
When you hear the word “discipline” do you think of Samurais, Shaolin Warriors and Buddhist Monks?
The good thing about health stores and gyms is that even when you do not care about your health and physique, people think that you are a health buff just for being there.
I don't think it's optimal for society in any way that when you do a search, you just get content from people who don't care.
"I love doing action and I think that when you like what you do, it's contagious and hopefully people will like it too," she said.
Commuting may at first seem boring, but when you really think about it, it’s an opportunity for you to do awesome things while the world passes you by.
Commuting may at first seem boring, but when you really think about it, it’s an opportunity for you to do awesome things while the world passes you by.