It is located near the point where Kentucky, Virginia, and Tennessee meet between Middlesboro, Kentucky, and the town of Cumberland Gap, Tennessee.
It is located 3, 800 light-years away from Earth, inside the Orion spur — the same partial spiral arm of the Milky way where our solar system is located. The nebula is nearly 240 light-years across.
In this scenario, the Service consumer pings the registry to find out where the proxy is, perhaps based on where the Service consumer is currently located and with what protocols it can communicate.
In other words, if you know where in the document the desired element is located, it helps to provide that information in form of a fully specified path.
In most cases, the migration wizard will automatically detect a previous install and determine where your user data is located so it can transfer some of your Settings over to the new workbench.
If the oil is located very close to the spot where the Sun's reflection would appear, it usually looks brighter than nearby clean water in the MODIS images we routinely publish.
Sometimes, it can be difficult to remember exactly where the setting you want to change is located.
A client should not have to know where a resource is located, what protocol it responds to, and what API should be used to send a message to it.
Once again, no one is telling where the new champ is located. People will want to see it, photograph it, climb it, carve little souvenirs out of it.
Notice that the Web service is implemented in Delphi, but we have no idea (nor do we care) where the Web service is located or what operating system it is running on!
The registry file, flexKPIHistorySampleWidget.xml, tells Business Space where the widget is located, what category it belongs to in the widget menu, and the widget’s display name, among other details.
注册文件flexKPIHistorySampleWidget.xml 告知 BusinessSpace 小部件所在位置、其在小部件菜单中所属的类别以及小部件的显示名称和其他详细信息。
The frame is shown as the main window, and it is where the Place Order button is located.
Return to the canvas by hovering your mouse over the page Explorer TAB (at the same location as the Condition Explorer), and when it expands, click on the page where your list is located.
把鼠标停在PageExplorer选项卡上(在与Condition Explorer相同的位置上),从而返回到画布。当它展开时,单击列表所在的页面。
On startup it needs to know which PoIdBroker implementation to load, and where the service is located.
An IllegalAssignmentError can be introduced when it isn't known which memory area an object is allocated from, or where on the scope stack a particular scope is located.
It is where seven of the top ten polluters of the country is located, including Syncrude and Suncor.
It doesn't matter where Judy is physically located in the organizational structure.
Depending on where the client is located relative to an EJB, it is possible to set the best way of access to the bean's logic.
The application sees a normal KParts component (in the same process), but it is in fact a proxy that communicates with another process (using DCOP), where the component is really located.
Since the Internet is not located in any specific place, it can be difficult to judge where these companies are doing business.
This information includes where the procedure is located how it is identified its calling sequence and return type and the string character set it USES.
Where space is available, it may be advantageous to have the centralized services located in the center of the camp.
It is particularly suitable for large countries like China and India, where centers of high power consumption are often located far from the energy sources.
It also knows exactly how big the stack must be and where it will be located before the code is generated.
With some emotions, it is relatively easy to see where they are located on the innateness spectrum.
This returns you to the Inheritance Picker dialog box, where the component is now listed, along with the project in which it is located.
Where can I buy a soda vending machine that is already located and do I need a license to buy it?
Xingwen Karst Geopark is located in Xingwen County, Yibin City, Sichuan Province, where it is a transitional zone between the Sichuan Basin and the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau.
Repair shall be carried out at the place where the product is located unless the Supplier deems it appropriate that the defect part or the product is returned to him for repair or replacement.
Repair shall be carried out at the place where the product is located unless the Supplier deems it appropriate that the defect part or the product is returned to him for repair or replacement.