The machine was used in a cave near the sea-shore where it is said pirates used to hide gold.
And those pastures could be in London, where it is said that Roman Abramovich wants to build a football empire similar to that at Barcelona.
The ducky has made a five-hour climb in the middle of the night on Buddha’s birthday to the top of Sri Pada in Sri Lanka, where it is said Buddha left a footprint.
It is said that she invented her famous character Harry Potter after meeting a young boy named Ian Potter in the village where she grew up.
"That is queer, indeed," said the other, "let us follow the cart, and see where it goes."
That said, to be honest the only people who ever ring our home phone are our Baby Boomers parents, to the point where we play a game and guess who is calling before we pick up the phone (using Caller ID would take the fun out of it).
And Uncle Matt produced from his shirt pocket a red bow and said: Father, do you have any idea what this is and where we found it?
'Imagine trying to find everything that's ever been published about a plant: which chemicals are in it, whether it's poisonous or not, where is it found,' said Alan Paton, from Kew.
Give yourself a point if you can think of the last thing you did where you consciously said, this is way beyond the call of duty, but it will be good for my career.
'Ultimately I guess it is where your threshold of discomfort is,' Brin said.
It is said that "home is where you make it" and that couldn't be more true than with these green roofed, transportable, stackable dwellings!
"It is a climate where extremists in society will start to believe their views are mainstream," said Corcoran.
"I'm just trying to figure out where the smell is coming from," she said. "It has to be Sin-Jun."
It could be said that this is where the recent resurgence of virtualization began with VMware's introduction of VMware Workstation in the late 90's.
This finding does not increase the total estimated amount of methane in the atmosphere, Bastviken said. Rather it helps explain where some of the unaccounted-for methane is coming from.
"This new, expedient way is not formally taught, but residents seem to learn it no matter where in the United States they train," he said.
Finally, he said that energy efficient green IT systems are needed to reduce power consumption in all areas where climate modelling software is used.
"What's really novel is that this laser works in the opposite mode, where most of the time the light is on, but it turns off in very brief flashes, very brief dark pulses," said Wiener.
"We want to demystify this place, that it is so dangerous and sad," said Oduor as he walked through the slum where he was born and still lives.
For example, we said funding separate, which is an incubation funding we call it where even with all the annual budgeting processes, researchers can apply for extra funding for some key projects.
"If it is priced cheaply, and this is where subsidies come into question, it could find a market outside China," said Perrett.
"The good news is, we know what it takes to save millions of lives, and where efforts exist, they are working," he said.
I said at the beginning of my comments that it is quite uncertain where the economy is going.
The machine was used in a cave near the seashore where-it is said-pirates used to hide gold.
“Had somebody called me and said, ‘Do you have aclue where this is all headed?’, it would have been a slap in the face, but aslap in the face that I needed, ” said Cathryn Munna.
“要是当初有人和我说‘你知道这样做什么后果吗?’ ,那就是一记耳光打在脸上,但是我需要这记耳光,”凯瑟琳•穆纳说。
“Had somebody called me and said, ‘Do you have aclue where this is all headed?’, it would have been a slap in the face, but aslap in the face that I needed, ” said Cathryn Munna.
“要是当初有人和我说‘你知道这样做什么后果吗?’ ,那就是一记耳光打在脸上,但是我需要这记耳光,”凯瑟琳•穆纳说。