I don't know whether the story is true, but it tells me about the importance of friendship.
Whether sentimental poems and beautiful articles, or the joy of leisure, nothing can replace a close friendship.
Whether it's amorous rhyme, beautiful articles, or the joy of leisure, nothing can replace a close friendship.
Whether you still don't believe our friendship, please remember, as long as you look back, I will be there waiting for you.
One day, you will find that I am not a substitute for, whether it is friendship or love.
Friends were hurt when, please consider you to the friendship between whether or not it should abandon the friends, beware of betrayal people.
Whether to promote the prestige friendship?
If you're still hesitating, whether to make male friends or not, you should try to weigh all pros and cons of this friendship.
如果你仍在犹豫是否去交男闺蜜,你应该试着权衡男女友谊的所有利与弊。 缫。
Social networking sites can also be helpful for connecting with new people, whether on a business, friendship, or a romantic level.
Uranus in the seventh house of a composite chart means that together you will strike out into new paths, whether your relationship is professional, business, marriage, or friendship.
One who really care about me, never robbed by others, whether it is friendship, or love.
Whether it's divorce, a temporary separation, or the falling out of a friendship, the breakup of a relationship is always tough on one's psyche.
It's not easy to change friendship into love. But it's even harder to turn love into friendship. If I swallow my heart, whether I can regain the friendship once I had.
It's not easy to change friendship into love. But it's even harder to turn love into friendship. If I swallow my heart, whether I can regain the friendship once I had.
It's natural to wonder whether a friendship is still worth the effort when you feel repeatedly let down or you feel your friendship seems disinterested in your life.
As long as you can find "true love" before the age of 30 — whether it's true love, friendship or affection, you can greatly increase your odds of success in life.
It come to check by information at this moment than in on whether one step look over more suitable, because analyse speed of tool quickly and face at this moment by target friendship.
If you cherish a person's friendship, make time for him or her, whether it's just the occasional phone call, E-mail or a weekly get-together.
When the key file is specified with a compiler option, the compiler can immediately decide whether to grant friendship.
When the key file is specified with a compiler option, the compiler can immediately decide whether to grant friendship.