In the epicormic shoot stem which passed a growth season, the secondary laticifer differentiation of all the extension parts was accelerated by JA application.
When adding the DB Engine project nature, the project classpath is updated to include this variable, which is defined by the workbench extension point in Listing 7.
当添加DB引擎项目性质时,项目的类路径会被更新以包含这个变量,这个变量是由清单 7 中的工作台扩展点定义的。
Both sections Extending a remote call with your own data and Integrating EMF with RRD contain information on the manner in which extension generators and handlers are created and used by RRD.
Lastly, it specifies the branch of the transformation, which will be extended by this extension.
Zorba support in PHP comes through PECL's ext/zorba extension, which is maintained by William Candillon, and provides an object-oriented API for accessing the Zorba library.
PHP中的Zorba支持通过PECL 的ext/zorba扩展来实现,该扩展由William Candillon 维护,它为访问 Zorba 库提供一个面向对象的API。
EXSLT provides the exsl: document extension, which is supported by several of the more popular XSLT processors.
Now you create the FunctionCall class, which is called by the Extension class and contains your custom methods.
ruby_parser (RP) is a ruby parser written in pure ruby (utilizing racc--which does by default use a C extension).
As stated previously, the owner for actions and properties by default is the plug-in ID in which the extension is created.
For a number of reasons, companies are having to work harder to protect their reputation-and, by extension, the environment in which they do business.
The extension of unemployment benefits was merely the rump of a much more ambitious proposal for a second stimulus package, most of which fell by the wayside.
Plug-ins and extension points have identifiers, which are used by the platform to manage the plug-ins and extension points.
Which brings me to the obvious fact about Gupta, and, by extension, McKinsey.
There is a good reason why the 1998 U.S. Copyright Term Extension Act, which lengthened copyrights by 20 years, is widely known as the Mickey Mouse Protection Act.
Other OCCI resources might also need a mapping, such as some Links and Mixins, which are defined by the OCCI infrastructure model extension.
Bryant did go on to admit that he wouldn't have handled the situation in that way, as evidenced by the quiet way in which he handled the three-year extension he signed with the Lakers this summer.
First, clearly Scitter is going to have some kind of dependency on network access - and by extension, the Twitter servers - which will make it awkward to test.
You can add a new extension by clicking the add extension button, which starts the Create Metaclass extension dialog shown in Figure 8.
The fix is simple: client2 refreshes its view of the object graph in memory, using the refresh method on the extension object (which is returned by ext ).
The clan structure which you center has great potential in this way and by extension I am advising those who read the Dialogues as well.
The early declassification or the extension of secrecy period of a state secret shall be decided by the organ or entity which originally determined the state secret or by its superior.
Thought comprehends extension, and by that very fact shows that it is at root one with that which it comprehends.
The outlined models for estimation of crack extension angles rely purely on the stress intensity factors at the crack tip which can be determined by finite element procedures.
The quadriceps contracts, pulling on the patella which is connected to the tibia by the patellar tendon. The force of this contraction brings the knee into extension.
To sum up, the sense formation and extension of the spatial preposition is motivated by the image schema, which also provides the root and prime power for metonymic and metaphorical extensions.
The information literacy is the extension of the traditional cultural literacy, which constituted by the information technology, information attitude, information knowledges and information ability.
Faced with criticism, it endeavored to survive by enlarging the extension of labor even to capital, which resulted in its disintegration.
In essence, the algorithm is the extension of those algorithms which segment object in a textured background by assuming the average gray levels of the object and the background are different.
The FSH stability is maintained by longevity factors which mediate longevity extension.
EMH embodied competitive equilibrium which is pursued by economists. In fact, EMH is extension of Adam Smith's "Invisible Hand" in financial markets.