Many will die off with the first frost whilst others hibernate until the following spring.
Among those here today, there are some who are interested in Buddhism whilst others are not.
But many of them have to struggle to obtain basic human needs such as water whilst others are wasting it washing their cars.
Some say that they have course work to finish, whilst others simply say that they need an early night before important exams.
Some will prefer to remain where they are, whilst others will jump at the opportunity to leave the cycle of rebirth in the lower dimension.
Remember also that some people who are comfortable lying may not feel stressed, whilst others may be prone to anxiety for all kinds of reasons.
It continued this week, with some politicians admitting that a hard restructuring of Greek debt was on the table, whilst others ruled out a default.
Some dehydrogenases are highly specific, with respect to both their substrate and coenzyme, whilst others catalyze the oxidation of a wide range of substrates.
In some people, this form of arthritis can affect the same joint on both sides of the body (for example both knees) whilst in others only one knee would be affected.
For example, someone could be quietly reading in the study, whilst another family member watches cartoons in the sitting space, and two others are discussing football at the dining table.
Others like Arsene Whinger try to defuse the media away from what happened on the pitch, whilst Rafa Benitez simply confuses them.
However, implementation of laws in China is not sufficiently imposed; therefore, whilst some companies may be conducting responsible business practices in accordance with the law, many others are not.
However, implementation of laws in China is not sufficiently imposed; therefore, whilst some companies may be conducting responsible business practices in accordance with the law, many others are not.