He's not had a tantrum or a whining fit since you made friends.
Pinocchio looked at the glass, made a wry face, and asked in a whining voice, "Is it sweet or bitter?"
As one banker says to a whining colleague, "You're getting out of a Mercedes to go into the Federal Reserve."
You are constantly waking up complaining, whining, or criticizing.
That means no yelling or whining, no matter how much they aggravate you.
And one day, I had a piffany, which is that whining is the evil twin of vision.
The loudest noise in the world is the sound of people whining. Don't add to it.
Not on the list are things like whining and using house decorations as soccer balls.
I think I remember being dragged off to the class and whining something like I'd rather study.
No matter what kind of begging, whining, or complaining we did, he relentlessly made us draw lines.
Accepts the fact that you can't always win, and learns from mistakes instead of whining about the outcome.
John H. Gutfreund, who ran Solomon Brothers during the 1980s, says many Wall Street executives are just whining.
John h .Gut freund, 1980年代执掌所罗门兄弟,说许多华尔街的高管们只是在发牢骚。
Whining about the technical "depth" of social sounds like hardware eng complaining about rise of software in 80s.
Here's what I mean by that, whining is describing as accurately as you can, exactly how you wish the world was not.
Instead of hanging around the office whining, you walk out the door and find something better and cooler to do.
Their relationship starts out great, but soon Janice can't stand Ross's constant whining and she breaks it off.
Especially when fewer employees work fewer, redesigned jobs, your manager will have even less time for your whining.
But the takeaway is, whenever you found yourself whining about something, that likely is an opportunity for vision.
The survey revealed a large number of sources of noise that we really dislike. Lawn mowers whining on a summer's day
People have been whining about "write-only resources" but I don't have a problem with that because it seems accurate.
Don't get me wrong there was still plenty of whining and many challenges but these things didn't take over our entire day.
Before you start griping or whining about something, remind yourself of a very important reality: no one wants to hear it!
No, just about all of the whining is about protecting paper, the stuff the ideas are printed on, not the ideas themselves.
Their whining rings hollow when booming commodity prices meant America actually spent only $11 billion on subsidies last year.
The lowest levels of whining were found in the Netherlands, Thailand and Ireland, according to the study by the FDS research group.
Tynan writes a blog called Thank You For Not Sharing, which says it includes "a fair amount of whining." (it's really quite funny.)
'I don't think it's just whining,' said one person at a Wall Street firm. 'There are legitimate liquidity issues that people have.'
Isn't that how it works? And if you buy a different car, whine to yourself how you wish you had a BMW because nobody wants to hear your whining!
Isn't that how it works? And if you buy a different car, whine to yourself how you wish you had a BMW because nobody wants to hear your whining!