After taking account of age, the researchers found that all groups of white blood cell were lowest in the men who were most physically fit.
In the new study on mice, researchers found that inhaling nanotubes affected the function of t cells, a type of white blood cell that organises the immune system to fight infections.
Like a parasite clinging to a host, the deadly HIV virus buds from a white blood cell grown in the laboratory.
Last year a group at the University of Minnesota found a way to guide into human embryonic stem cells into becoming a potent type of white blood cell which destroys tumour cells.
Last year a group at the University of Minnesota found a way to guide human embryonic stem cells into becoming a potent type of white blood cell which destroys tumour cells.
This cancer affects the lymphocytes, a type of white blood cell, and is characterized by larger lymph nodes, fever and weight loss.
The virus causes an immune deficiency by attacking a type of white blood cell that helps to fight infections.
The researchers engineered a virus that infected a patient's T-cells, a type of white blood cell, and carried instructions to bind to cancer cells and ultimately kill them.
Drugs are available that increase white blood-cell production to counter any damage that may have occurred to the bone marrow, and to reduce the risk of further infections due to immune-system damage.
When patients' white blood cell counts drop too low, they are at risk for dangerous infections that can cause death.
Using blood samples from volunteers, he showed that the soup inhibited the movement of neutrophils, the most common type of white blood cell that defends against infection.
Blood tests were taken, and analysed for their content of various types of white blood cell.
The greater proportion of body fat a man had, the higher his white blood cell count was.
The most serious side-effect is damage to the bone marrow. Because of this, the white blood cell count should be controlled often enough druing the treatment.
A cloned human hormone that boosts white blood cell production sometimes helps; there is little else.
The genes in question control a type of white blood cell known as natural killer cells, or NK cells.
斯坦福大学的研究者们提出的这项假设发人深思,甚至出人意料。 他们所说的基因控制了一种被称为自然杀手细胞(NK细胞)的白血球细胞。
Causes (temporary) radiation sickness such as nausea and decreased white blood cell count, but not death. Above this, severity of illness increases with dose.
Results covering the fake positive and negative result in test of inspecting urine albumen, blood and white blood cell on chemistry test paper.
The clinical data of high white blood cell counts and the prognosis are reviewed, and several possible mechanisms are demonstrated.
The infection'manifestation with the decreased white blood cell and immune function is an unavoidable problem in the patients with myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS).
Because a low white blood cell count is an important risk factor for serious infections, some patients find it helpful to keep track of their counts.
Blood tests may be performed to identify anemia, elevated white blood cell (WBC) count, iron and folate deficiencies, liver enzyme increases, and electrolyte disturbances.
Contrast the white blood cell variety and clinical symptom.
TPA has also been shown to increase white blood cell and neutrophil counts in solid tumor cancer patients (6).
Patients with elevated white blood cell counts have been shown to be in a higher risk of developing acute myocardial infarction and acute coronary and vascular events.
Objective: to explore the relationship between false increase of white blood cell count and fragility of erythrocyte membrane in automatic whole blood count.
Objective: To observe the effects of smoke, tea and radioactive rays on mice weight and white blood cell count.
Objective: to explore the relation between false increase of white blood cell count and the changes of erythrocyte membrane lipid in automatic whole blood count.
Methods White blood cell count and blood sugar were measured form 51 cerebral hemorrhage patients of acute cerebral vascular disease within 48 hours after onset.
Methods White blood cell count and blood sugar were measured form 51 cerebral hemorrhage patients of acute cerebral vascular disease within 48 hours after onset.