And he will send, at the end of the days, the Mahdi, on a white horse with a sword of fire, to put the rich in their place and correct all that is wrong with the world.
A traditional white horse was found in Bangkok to perform the groom's entrance, and the open-fire ritual was observed.
Seated there she sailed from side to side of her little lake, rowing cleverly with two white horse hairs.
A centuries-old tradition of wearing a white horse-hair wig in court ended for many judges when a simpler new dress code came into force.
One of the most moving is a larger painting of two grooms struggling to lead a beautiful white horse who does not want to move.
She followed that up in 2008 with Fearless, a critically acclaimed album that established her as a skilled songwriter with several hits, including Love Story, You Belong with me and White Horse.
The Osmington White Horse, outside Sutton Poyntz, UK.
My little white horse--you may have seen him pass occasionally; he is a small beast from Lower Boulonnais.
When he had finished his work, he tapped the horse on the shoulder and said, "pull, white horse, pull!"
And I saw, and behold a white horse: and he that sat on him had a bow; and a crown was given unto him: and he went forth conquering, and to conquer.
Who enjoyed the BBC World Service and would go hunting with friends each Friday, sometimes mounted, like the Prophet, on a white horse.
Pang Tong's forces were following from behind. Zhang Ren's soldiers pointed to the chief general in the distance, saying, "That must be Liu bei-on the white horse."
It is said that he will appear again soon, as Kalki, a white horse, destined to destroy the present world and to take humanity to a different, higher plane.
Often described as a slender body of a white horse, the amount before a helix Angle (which is also a characteristic of the Licorne).
Thought the white horse is a fair horse, after long time's travel, it feels tired, besides, it is carrying three people.
One day, a white-horse carriage appeared in front of Kai.
What she wanted was for Dr Allsop himself to descend on her, very like a knight on a white horse.
Tom grew up with a God given passion for horses, which eventually led him to telling bedtime stories about the marvelous and heroic white horse of Revelation 19:11 to his children.
The girl is always under the illusion that a prince charming will sweep her away on a white horse.
The foremost, wearing a cloak and an Astrachan cap, was riding on a white horse.
A hoary old man upon a mow-white horse shall divert the River Periron, and above the stream he will measure out a mill with his white rod.
A centuries-old tradition of wearing a white horse-hair wig in court ended for many judges when a simpler new dress code came into force.
Lingjiu the temple Mount and the White Horse temple in Luoyang with China for the first temple, built in the Eastern Han Dynasty period.
As a representative of Buddhist building, White Horse Temple and its environment has their respective characteristics.
He put his shirt on the white horse, but he lost all his money as the white horse failed to become the first.
"I would do so," said Leofric, "if you would ride naked through the town on a white horse."
"I would do so," said Leofric, "if you would ride naked through the town on a white horse."