Jose Mourinho's side held a comfortable lead from the first leg at the Bernabeu but, despite that advantage, the Real Madrid coach still decided to play his strongest side at White Hart Lane.
"I found myself in a Bruce Willis Die Hard moment," he said, "where my arm - had a lovely white shirt on - and it just exploded into red." And, while I was taking that in, I got a bullet in my leg.
"She'll lose that leg," Enzo heard one of the EMTs, whose face was blanched white from the cold, say.
Five elephant skulls, bone white and half the size of bathtubs, are scattered about the area with pelvises, leg bones, ribs, shoulder blades, and other remains.
Today, I was reading in my bed, and my cat was lying on my chest. I noticed something white on my cat's leg.
One of them hopped about on one leg in his long white nightgown, and the other stood on a chair surrounded by the clothes of all the children, and declared he was acting Grecian statues.
There are hand-carved wooden products, exquisite gilt patterns, classic white crack paint… it's brilliant in details. The chair leg looks like a girl dancing ballet, elegant and gentle.
His breeches were similarly split; the right leg was solid green, the left leg striped in red and white.
The leg thin human wants hip socks of dressing the thin color constantly. (but not the ability is white)Don't take one entire sock of growing of some black is be unsuited to a body most .
At necropsy, muscles in the leg were white or greyish -white.
The leg muscle rate of cherry valley duck was the lowest, while that of white muscovy duck was the best.
My leg is fine and gangling, bestrewed the decorative pattern of black and white alternate with, a lot of spiders regard me as is the gnat that comes from foreign land.
They wore white uniforms with the words 'Chain Gang' on their backs and, in groups of five, were shackled together in leg irons joined by an eight-foot chain.
The Gunners clinched the first leg of their historic achievement at the home of their old rivals, claiming the league title with a 1-0 win at White Hart Lane.
The Gunners clinched the first leg of their historic achievement at the home of their old rivals, claiming the league title with a 1-0 win at White Hart Lane.