"HALLE BERRY DUMPED BY WHITE KNIGHT, " blares one chat headline of blackvoices.com.
One day the old Chinese white knight was astounded by a sudden call out of the blue.
Yet previously Mr Murdoch had been mooted as a "white knight" to save Yahoo! From Microsoft's clutches.
A chance encounter with his new Chinese neighbor turns Monty's search for his "white knight" upside down.
The trouble is that Batman, a. k. a. playboy Bruce Wayne, has had it up to here with being the white knight.
It was also keen on a proposal to use Virgin's White Knight launch system to put satellites into low Earth orbit.
Virgin Galactic's second generation of craft are based on SpaceShipOne and White Knight, but with plenty of differences.
Learning what had happened, the Chinese white knight decided to give her total freedom and wished her the best of luck.
The entire flight should last about 25 minutes once SpaceShipOne has been released from the White Knight carrier craft.
On June 21, 2005, the X-37 completed a captive-carry flight underneath the White Knight at Mojave Spaceport , Mojave, California .
6月21日,2005年,在X - 37完成了人工圈养下进行飞行的白骑士在莫哈韦发射场 ,加州莫哈韦 。
White knight: a company or individual that is sought out by the management of a takeover target to help it defend against a hostile bid.
As the public sector shrinks and budgets are cut a gap will open up. Smart businesses will grab the chance to play the role of white knight.
Mr Attenborough says this has "implications" for White Knight Two, which indicates that the company is also looking at greener fuels for the carrier aircraft.
But the back-and-forth between the two companies is increasingly tense, and some sources close to the deal suggest that a white knight might surface after all.
News Corp’s boss, Rupert Murdoch, had originally talked to Mr Yang about a becoming a “white knight”, but then decided against a bidding war against a much richer opponent.
When movies began to be popular in the 1920s, the cowboy image changed again. Now, a cowboy became the great white knight that loved his horse more than the beautiful ladies he rescued.
What she wanted was for Dr Allsop himself to descend on her, very like a knight on a white horse.
After confession and communion Scarlatti returns to take his vows of devotion, obedience, and conjugal fidelity. Then he puts on the white cloak of a full-fledged knight.
The viceroy went over to Don Antonio, and asked in a low voice did he know who the Knight of the White Moon was, or was it some joke they were playing on Don Quixote.
The viceroy went over to Don Antonio, and asked in a low voice did he know who the Knight of the White Moon was, or was it some joke they were playing on Don Quixote.