Who can apply: those students who will graduate in January, 2017, has acceptable attendance and pass the exams.
These companies are seeking someone who can apply online marketing strategies to their international marketing plan.
The footnote 1 under Agreement on Safeguards covers that who can apply safeguard measures, not application against whom.
Who can apply for Marketing Authorization in China - foreign producer directly or through local company (as a kind of agent) only?
Abstract: in BIM times, the construction industry needs more managers who can apply BIM technology to continuously improve the performance level.
The rest of the application portfolio should be aggressively migrated to cloud providers who can apply their efficiency and cost advantages to them.
The same disadvantages can apply to flat sharing, with the added difficulties that arise from deciding who pays for what, and in what proportion.
In addition, you can apply fine-grained access control distinctly to each image and each pattern, controlling who can read the asset and who can edit it.
Travellers can protect themselves and others by following simple prevention practices that apply while travelling and in daily life. Keep your distance from someone who is coughing and sneezing.
Armed with this information, anyone who has a need to understand locking can apply the techniques and principles used here to their own scenario and produce a similar analysis and recommendations.
Almost any one who has a steady income and a continuous work record can apply for a credit card.
PPP offers funding for the long term un-employed and those who are eligible can apply for this funding.
On August 29th the fund expanded the "dust zone", which means that more people who fell ill because of living or working in the area can now apply for coverage.
How the Aznar model can apply now will depend largely on Mr Rajoy's first finance minister. And who will that be?
Fiery youth traces, convenient can easily apply to? Pure zhi youth promise, who can get it to implement?
Parents who wish to apply for fee remission for their children can obtain application forms and relevant documents from the kindergartens child care centres in which their children are studying.
In addition, drivers who fail the exam can apply for a make-up chance 30 days after the previous attempt.
You can't change who you are. You can only change what you know and how you apply this knowledge.
Parents and grandparents who wish to visit their family in Canada can also apply for the parent and grandparent Super Visa.
Almost anyone who has a steady income and a continuous work record can apply for a credit card.
Almost anyone who has a steady income and a continuous work record can apply for a credit card.