There is an increasing demand for people who are able to take in great area at a glance, people who perhaps do not know too much about any one field.
Although it is possible that only people who are cognitively healthy would pursue such activities, those who read newspapers or magazines or played music did not show similar benefits.
One of his famous sayings, "He who learns but does not think is lost; he who thinks but does not learn is in danger," tells us the importance of learning and thinking.
The importance of Johnson's letter is not so much historical as emotional; it would become a touchstone for all who repudiated patrons and for all who embraced the laws of the marketplace.
Imagine a person who is about the right weight, but does not eat very nutritious foods, who feels OK but exercises only occasionally, who goes to work every day.
Everyone is important—not only the people who clean the floors or drive the buses but also the people who teach the students or lead the schools.
It is found that people who frequent cultural places or participate in artistic events are more likely to gain good health compared to those who do not; more engagement with the arts is linked to a higher level of people's wellbeing.
It's not just politicians who make us laugh, but anyone whose job is to tell other people what to do and who takes themselves too seriously.
The School of the Air is a school for children who live far from the cities, and who are in a place which does not have a local school.
The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear.
Her advice is to make a rule to never contact old loves, understanding who they were is not who they are today.
As in every downturn, who succeeds and who fails is likely to be determined not by what costs are cut, but how they are cut and above all which ones are not cut.
This book is not for people who refuse to change who they are. It’s not for people who accept the “American Dream” as one of material abundance and corporate ladder climberism.
In fact, what matters today is no longer an issue of who defeats who, not even so in economic terms. What really matters today is how we can cooperate.
Blessed is the man who makes the Lord his trust, who does not look to the proud, to those who turn aside to false gods.
I think a lot of them understand that, they get it, and they need somebody who is not so much young, but who understands the future of this country and that is why John McCain is the best pick.
But in the end I realised that it is simply just a part of who I am and it matters not who understands this.
It means that people's behaviour should be shaped not by who is most powerful, or by who stands to lose and gain, but by what is right despite the costs.
While osteoporosis and hip fractures are major health concerns for some people, the challenge is finding out who is at risk and who is not.
It is not composed, as in Europe, of great lords who possess everything, and of a herd of people who have nothing.
If you think the tax system is unfair, blame the people who created it, not the financiers who took advantage of it.
THE battle between those who think character comes from nature and those who think nurture is the key is not confined to students of humanity.
For all the unsolved and new problems facing the region now, it is voters, not outsiders, who determine who rules and how.
The person who says something is impossible should not interrupt the person who is doing it.
Further confirmation that Palin is not Barack Obama, who writes his own books, comes with the news that she used a ghostwriter, who is arguably even more controversial than Palin herself.
With older kids you can have competitions of who can jump higher or longer or who can run faster (winning is not the point of course).
It is intended for people who are new to the field of pervasive computing and who do not know yet which of the IBM mobile technologies is appropriate for solving their mobile business needs.
Assistance is delivered by specialists who are not involved in who prequalification assessment or inspection activities, but who can conduct audits and training at country-level.
Assistance is delivered by specialists who are not involved in who prequalification assessment or inspection activities, but who can conduct audits and training at country-level.