The door was not a long time opening, but there was no hurry in the way it moved on its hinges. The movement of the door was as if, whoever she was, she had nothing in the world to fear.
"My mother got help from whoever could help, especially raul because he was always very generous with her... she appealed to Fidel in some cases," she said.
Whoever was responsible for Ms Gillard's difficulties, she has been damaged by the impression that disgruntled colleagues are out to get her.
The first time Marla filled a crematory urn, she didn't wear a face mask, and later she blew her nose and there in the tissue was a black mess of Mr. Whoever.
She waddled behind whoever was walking in the yard, going as fast as she had to in order to keep up.
One thing that most touched my heart was that she would go to whoever was sick and just be with them.
Whoever saw her would find it hard to believe that she was already thirty-three years old.
And it wasn't that she was just selling books, it was that she was helping people become whoever it was they were gonna turn out to be.
It was her way of life to drift from one man to another, whoever would take care of her. She had several children, but only one was living with her.
It was her way of life to drift from one man to another, whoever would take care of her. She had several children, but only one was living with her.