Whole-wheat bread: It contains dietary fiber, so we don't feel hungry easily.
Eat oatmeal at breakfast, choose whole-wheat bread at lunch, or whip up brown rice at dinner instead of white.
The whole-wheat bread caused blood sugar levels to spike and these high levels lasted until well after lunch.
A half cup of edamame also has 9 grams of cholesterol-lowering fiber - equal to four slices of whole-wheat bread.
Choose items made with whole grains. Examples include whole-wheat bread, and pasta, as well as dishes made with brown rice.
It's the brand marketer at a packaged-goods company refusing to sell whole-wheat bread, because the average person doesn't like it.
But now I reasoned that if Willem grew up on the purest whole-wheat bread and beet salad, perhaps junk food was the key to a long life.
Such a diet should include fresh fruit and vegetables, brown rice or whole-wheat bread and foods that are rich in vitamins and minerals.
Whole-wheat bread is higher in fiber than regular white bread, and fiber fills you up and helps with digestion by slowing down the absorption of sugars.
To include more whole grains in your diet, simply choose whole-wheat bread, whole-wheat pasta, oatmeal, brown rice and whole-grain cereal instead of refined grains.
For example, you may not think a bagel tastes salty, but a typical 4-inch (10-centimeter) oat-bran bagel has about 532 mg of sodium, and even a slice of whole-wheat bread contains 132 mg of sodium.
Using whole grains (like whole wheat pasta or whole wheat bread), vegetables, lean meats or beans, and reduced fat cheese can all make these meals more flavorful and healthful too.
These are fiber from grain sources (wheat bread, whole grains, etc.) that would be most beneficial, followed by fiber consumed in fruits and vegetables.
Eat whole wheat bread instead of white, whole wheat pasta instead of regular, brown rice instead of white, etc.
Vegetarians should be sure to eat a variety of whole grains such as whole wheat bread, pasta and tortillas, brown rice, bulgur, and quinoa.
Dark fiber-rich whole wheat bread is lower on the index; its spike is slightly less sharp.
Right after I started making my own bread I found five-pound bags of whole wheat flour for $1.99 each, 46% cheaper than the best local grocery price.
At lunch, pick a pita Use one mini whole-wheat pita instead of the usual two slices of white or refined wheat bread for your sandwich.
The next time you step up to the deli counter, remember this: Bland white bread can't compete with hearty whole wheat in taste or nutrition.
For even more lignans, choose a whole wheat bread sprinkled with flax or sesame seeds.
Whole wheat flour can be substituted for all-purpose flour in most recipes, including when making bread, cookies, pastries, pastry dough, pizza dough, cakes, muffins, pancakes and waffles.
For example, I'll eat the whole wheat bread instead of white bread, eating fruit instead of juice.
For example, I'll eat the whole wheat bread instead of white bread, eating fruit instead of juice.