When I started on Disneyland, my wife used to say, "But why do you want to build an amusement park?"
If you say, "why do I have Togo to work today," how's that going to affect your attitude?
That’s why I say use what you already have in reserve so that you know you can do better.
Thing I've got a little procedure that could do that, but you know the simplest thing I could do is to say well, gee, wait a minute, why don't I just check to see if these are the same thing?
That's why I say use what you already have in reserve so that you know you can do better.
If you say, "Why do I have to go to work today?" how is that going to affect your attitude?
My mother would worry about the places I was being sent and would say, "Why do you want to go?
"I know. I've been playing them way too much," agreed my daughter. "Why do you say that?" I asked.
All I could say in reply (my mouth very dry) was, "I suppose I'd ask you why you wanted to do this."
The most compelling andmotivating reason/benefit is almost always the thing you say only afteryou've answered at least three "Yeah, but WHY do I care?"
If you would say to your child, "No, I wouldn't want you to have to deal with that..." why do allow yourself to continue to deal with that?
Sometimes, I do feel lack of love as I'm staying by myself in Taiwan but what really kept me going is the love and support from all of you... you know why I always say this?
You do know what I want and that is why I don't want to say anything else.
You may say, I have known lots of "truth" from the mainstream community since I was a kid, why do I only get more and more fearful in recent years?
Yes, Sir, that is more than enough time. I do appreciated you understanding. Why do not we say at 10 o'clock on the 27th.
My mother would worry about the places I was being sent and would say, "Why do you want to go?"
You say: "Why do I sometimes blank on the names of totally familiar people when I try to introduce them?"
Why do you call me, ' Lord, Lord, ' and don't do the things which I say?
As for the girls themselves, if you ask them why they dress the way they do, they'll say (roughly) the same things I said to my mother: "What's the big deal?"
I don't know why I suddenly fell in love with you, but I'm passive and no matter how I try, I can't never say "I love you". What can I do?
A net friend asked Rose: 'Often hear you say want to write something, but why do I not see your poster?'
English is designed to exchange . you don't understand what I was written ? so why do you say that ?
I do not want say any more reason, but I guess every one clear why you married with "LVL100 + BIG BOSS".
I do not want say any more reason, but I guess every one clear why you married with "LVL100 + BIG BOSS".