Just as bad events can seem to have a domino effect, so can good things - so why not jump start some goodness in someone's life?
Why not create an application key system like in some other Google products so that you can shut down the abusers while still providing services for the "good guys"?
Why do you say so, especially in sales personnel, if not a good attitude towards this job, can let a person heart loses his balance.
"Young girls, in particular, really identify with Bella, not feeling like you fit in and not being good enough, " says Dr. Jones. "I think that's why the books have become so popular."
Diesel oil looks not so good, but there is no choice. Why is it red? Because it was specially tinted so that nobody steals it.
Do you know why they say America, Australia or Europe are the best countries, and some are not so good?
You always do not know why I losing his temper, why to see you and the other girls will be angry, so good, why I might care about you, why do I want to know your everything.
Indeed, the laughter in medicine, sports, philosophy, spirit, as well as all aspects of health, be able to endure all the tests, so that a good thing after all, why not?
New stuff is added all the time - so why not send something special now and make your messaging look good!
So we need to look into the last race to see the reasons why we were not as good as we wanted to be.
Eventually, I know why I missed so many people, I always think I am not good enough. Actually, GOD just wanna make I meet you, love you!
In his mind, the patient is dickering with the doctor, so why not negotiate "good" up to "excellent"?
Britain's many technical programs not work, So what our program really different? Why must our programs good work?
But it's not enough just to be contrarian. So here are 10 reasons why it's good to buy a home.
They are not sure why they feel good, so the good feeling is attached to the Pokemon character that is consistently associated with feeling good.
I do not deserve you, so good to me … maybe I will let you have mixed feelings about, you obviously can not ignore me, but why you should take the initiative to come to see me?
I want to marry, but a little afraid, I do not know why, like all the good stuff is married it is my, I think all of a sudden there are so many good stuff is frightful.
With this intention I asked Mrs Dean why Heathcliff let Thrushcross Grange, and preferred living in a situation and residence so much inferior. 'is he not rich enough to keep the estate in good order?
We do not, after all, get to choose our talents, so why should we be rewarded for them, beyond perhaps what is necessary to make us put those talents to good use?
It's not hard to see why the moral reputations of this trio should be so out of line with the good they have done.
With the parties said after the barber shop did not like hard, I feel very good, but hair is very Rouliang Oh, why so brightly. on how it so bright!
I do not know why, today, sitting here, down reminded me of a colleague's words: Was it good to live in a dream, wake up, see this world so ugly, but also how to survive it?
I do not know why, today, sitting here, down reminded me of a colleague's words: Was it good to live in a dream, wake up, see this world so ugly, but also how to survive it?