Instead of presuming to reconstruct the theory from scratch, why not take it apart and find out what makes it tick?
I think if cosmetic surgery can make you feel more confident and better, why not take it. After all, all of us are pursuing a happy 1ife.
So why not for us to process it into the form of pellets like the Western medicine so that it would be easy for people to carry and take?
Well, why not give the Vespa a reward for its hard work and take it for a couple of weeks to the land of its ancestors?
Not sure why it will take that long for something that doesn't include new features (maybe it's more an issue of the server SP1 holding up the client?)
You have to take care of legal and financial aspects of the startup, so why not turn it into a learning experience?
So let me be clear about where I stand: not only do I not believe it, but I can't understand why anyone would take comfort from it.
However, we'd like to take a moment to talk about why the NDK is important, when it should be used, and-just as importantly, when it should not be used.
If you've got a free account, loved the idea of contact sync but want to see whether it's worth it then why not take advantage?
Now of course there is much more that can be done in this TAB of the preferences window. So why not take advantage while you have it open?
It's not clear why it should take at least 30 years to refine a person's ability to remember new faces, remarks psychologist Catherine Mondloch of Brock University in St. Catharines, Canada.
Auto. Why cars are needed (no, not to look cool), how to buy a practical car, how to take care of it.
Not only will listeners sit up and take notice, they'll also listen carefully to find out more about what you just said and why you said it.
Let's take a closer look at the reasons why classic 4gl tools have not been well suited for cloud-based applications and what can be done about it.
The reason why schrodinger's original equation did not fit was because it did not take into account the spin of the electron.
Make a list of actions she might take, then ask yourself why it is OK for her, but not you, to react that way.
Florida State University psychologist Nathaniel Lambert put these two facts together and came up with an idea: Why not take all that prayer and direct it at the people who have wronged us?
The real value of tracking your visitor's footsteps is that it will help you determine why they did not take the action that you wanted them to take.
If you are unhappy in your current situation, why not take steps now to change it? Somewhere out there is a job or business that is perfect for you.
Mr Plattner, not to be outdone, retorts that it doesn't take a psychologist to understand why Mr Ellison might say such a thing.
If you are unhappy in your current situation, why not take steps now to change it?
If you are unhappy in your current situation, why not take steps now to change it? Somewhere out there is a job or business that is perfect for you.
If the manufacturer does not intend to take these measures because they are not feasible or have a significant impact on the price, it must explain why this is the case.
Or to take it one step further, why not let the delivery worker synchronize data with another delivery worker by using data collaboration.
There is no reason why we should not take a finished vessel and lease it to them for the duration of the emergency.
Take it easy. Go get a drink. Take a little break. 1. I can't stay. 2. Why not? It's early.
I do not miss a lot of games, that is why it was difficult to take.
If in fact some people take longer to seroconvert why does it matter what a piece of paper says or does not say or who approved what?
If in fact some people take longer to seroconvert why does it matter what a piece of paper says or does not say or who approved what?