What happened in Wisconsin? Why should I care?
But why should I care for businessmen or engineers?
Why should I care if harm comes to these 500 kidnappers?
I'm over seventy now. One day lived, one day less. Why should I care any more about such things?
People often ask me, "Why should I care if a species goes extinct? It's not essential to my daily life, is it?"
This is the typical chinese mindset , coldblooded , repitile like as long asI can make more money why should I care ?
If I'm a textiles analyst in Chicago or I work at a Walmart in Galveston, why should I care about what's happening in Tunisia?
Think about that I was a fool, why should I care about other people's comments, saying the do not care how many friends, why do not mind Debu offend?
So why should I care? And moreover, how can something as mundane as this super-simple atom emitting and absorbing light teach me anything about dark matter?!
I think it is so stupid of people to do bad things to the earth that they are living on! I can't understand why they are doing these. People should care about the environment.
Can also be associated with anger, in which you think, "Why on earth should I care that so-and-so has a sunburn?"
并且,你可能对于这些无关信息产生怒 气,不明白“为什么我要关心某某人是否晒伤了?”
I also explained the background and benefits of Linked Data in a May '09 post entitled Linked Data is Blooming: Why You Should Care.
I also explained the background and benefits of Linked Data in a May '09 post entitled Linked Data is Blooming: Why You Should Care.