Despite the importance of the honeybee, none of this is evidence of a wide-scale pollination crisis or a threat that is specific to pollinators.
The key factor in wide-scale multicast deployments is the inter-domain multicast.
But, given their risks and limited effects, a wide-scale return to capital controls is highly unlikely.
Current economic pressures have led to wide-scale devaluations of assets such as commercial mortgage-backed securities.
These organizations are integrating their expertise and resources to deliver the manual's protocols for wide-scale drug use.
but much worse was the wide-scale disenfranchisement of the Pushtuns, the country’s largest ethnic group, through fraud and poor security.
He also argues that both are non-modular as the caller and callee must know about each other and often a small change can require wide-scale code change.
This flexibility in designing fiber properties gives this new technology the potential for wide-scale use in future textile and technical applications.
At the same time herds cause wide-scale land degradation, with about 20 percent of pastures considered as degraded through overgrazing, compaction and erosion.
A mutated “biotype B” insect emerged in Napa Valley in 1980 and did an estimated $6 billion of damage before wide-scale uprooting, burning and replanting was completed in 1995.
1980年,加州纳帕谷出现了一种基因突变的“同型小种B型”蚜虫。 这种蚜虫造成了估计60亿美元的损失,随后葡萄园开始了大规模连根拔除,烧毁并重新栽种于1995年完成。
Health officials hope to begin dispensing anti-retroviral drugs on a wide scale at the beginning of next year.
It needs to be wide spread and scale for millions of users.
So when put into context, appreciating the continued importance and wide scale exploitation of black and white portraiture today, it's clear that the art is not lost and has survived the test of time.
CIMMYT sent out a first batch of 15 for development and nine have madeit into production and distribution on a wide scale.
The key to using XMLBeans on a wide scale is establishing open XML standards that are adopted across the entertainment industry.
Strangely, though, only Argentina adopted it on a wide scale.
Implemented at a wide scale, WHO's new recommendations will improve the health of people living with HIV, reduce the number of new HIV infections and save lives.
Now that they are thinking on this larger,continent-wide scale, Asia’s great powers are seeking to stress theirfriendships with one another as well as preparing for an adversarial powergame.
Although this pattern is typically applicable for small-size initial SOA implementations it does not scale well for enterprise-wide implementations.
Publish — Add new services through an approval process so they are available and managed on an enterprise-wide scale.
In 2010, San Francisco became the first U.S. city to pass legislation encouraging city-wide composting, and similar broader-scale food composting approaches have been spreading since.
Imagine a world with levitating cars, MRIs the size of laptops, and wide scale efficient energy distribution.
CIMMYT sent out a first batch of 15 for development and nine have made it into production and distribution on a wide scale.
The company warned that Chrome's "user interface is under development", and said that there is no guarantee that design changes will be rolled out on a wide scale.
Scientists say the ocean's floors contain rich deposits of a range of potentially valuable minerals, but the extreme depths pose technical difficulties in harvesting them on a wide scale.
Scientists say the ocean's floors contain rich deposits of a range of potentially valuable minerals, but the extreme depths pose technical difficulties in harvesting them on a wide scale.