I think his oral talent mainly thanks to his speed mind, deep in thinking, wide knowledge and proactive thinking.
Outdoor sports teaching can embrace rich contents, impart wide knowledge and skills with scientific course establishment.
Then I knew that Mr. Qian's wide knowledge and tremendous memory was in proportion to sometimes he reviewed these notebooks.
我这才知道 ,钱先生的博闻强记 ,是跟他有时也复习这些笔记本有关系。
The world vintage wine is all around us. Let's go to a cocktail party and know some wide knowledge friends all over the world.
As the door is a world-wide knowledge of international law, it is necessary to do something to recall the vertical and horizontal comparison.
Civil law is a practical law subject, extensive and profound, while providing wide knowledge, it also adds difficulties to learning and grasping it.
In other words, having a wide knowledge of the English grammar rules is not the only requirement if a learner wishes to have a good English command.
If an English learner has a wide knowledge and a clear understanding of the grammar rules, does it guarantee that he or she will definitely be able to speak and write good English?
Scrupulous working attitude, always quick and responsive; wide knowledge, high producting and technical managerial skills, strong market developing skill and organizational capability.
This program is the combination of Dynamic Mechanic, Electric Power system and Marine Automation, thus forming a specialty pattern of solid basic theory and wide knowledge of specialty.
Abstact: Computer installation and maintenance is an essential compulsory course for college students of all majors that involves wide knowledge and has the practical and applied nature.
It is no wonder that Ji 'nan large billboards in tolerance and express more advertising content at the same time, also progress and enhance the role and effectiveness of the wide knowledge.
Interpreters should have the following qualities: strong memory, good command of language, wide knowledge range, loyalty to work, high psychological quality, politeness and cross-cultural awareness.
The value of knowledge and the return on the public investment in research depends, in part, upon wide distribution and ready access.
I quite wonder at the old expert's wide range of knowledge, and his professional learning has been of great use to us.
These innovators didn't break ground because they pondered important questions in isolation, but because they learned about topics far and wide, and fit old knowledge for application in new fields.
Some component teams are needed to build and maintain certain core services that affect a wide range of products or/and require specific domain knowledge or expertise.
The World Wide Web is the biggest repository of information ever created, with growing contents in various languages and fields of knowledge.
Finally, according to the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), ontology defines the terms used to describe and represent an area of knowledge.
最后,根据World WideWebConsortium (W3C)的说明,本体定义用于描述和表示知识领域的术语。
Cheung: One of the main problems with Flex RIA development is that it requires a wide breadth of knowledge.
When I go into classrooms, whether they're ramshackle, makeshift classes in some slum in a city or a nice rural location, the kids are just wide eyed. All they want is knowledge and information.
They encompass a wide set of variables to improve knowledge on social, economic and environmental benefits of forests.
The wide range is primarily because of incomplete knowledge about how black carbon and clouds interact.
He covers a wide and varied assortment of sub topics and by the time he's finished, his daughter is somewhat awestruck with this sudden influx of bizarre new knowledge.
He covers a wide and varied assortment of sub topics and by the time he's finished, his daughter is somewhat awestruck with this sudden influx of bizarre new knowledge.