You will be regarded as one of the family, long after the completion of your time here at Takapuna Grammar School.
And if you are willing, and apparently you must be willing because you are here and I am here, we will take this long complex journey.
The contract will take you to 10 years at Anfield - did you imagine you'd be here that long when you first arrived?
Here, the teachers give you a word: a hard, a harvest, as long as the hard-working down-to-earth, you will be better.
Nomatter how long it will take, we will wait for you and weill be here , all the time.
My wife called, 'How long will you be with that newspaper? Will you come here and make your darling daughter eat her food?
My wife called, 'How long will you be with that newspaper? Will you come here and make your darling daughter eat her food?