In 2009, hoteliers stuck to the basics. In 2010, many are willing to experiment with new initiatives.
Of course, Firefox users are probably a bit more willing to experiment with new browser versions than IE7 users.
Choose a topic such as curfew, then ask for input. And be willing to experiment: "We will try a midnight curfew on weekends for a month."
选择一个如回家时间这样一个话题, 问清孩子的想法,然后一起实践:“我们可以试一个月规定周末午夜回家的时间。
What seems clear is that if the economic weakness persists and inflation rates fall further, central Banks may become more willing to experiment.
Passionate about pursing the artistry of architecture, and willing to experiment with new materials and new techniques, rich experience on site as well.
However, for relatively simple DAQ systems, if you are willing to experiment and have a sense of adventure, you can assemble your own DAQ system at your PC.
Before such protocols can be standardized and rolled into, for instance, the next version of HTML, Web developers are going to have to be willing to experiment.
Wes commented that it's up to entrepreneurs to "make things people are willing to pay for... your ability to rely on credit to grow or experiment is limited by a general lack of confidence."
While getting an XO laptop is a slim possibility (unless you're willing to make the minimum million quantity order), you can experiment with the XO laptop using the QEMU PC emulator.
In the first experiment Baumeister and colleagues wanted to see how a belief in free will affected how much people were willing to help others.
As businesses innovate and experiment with new ways of doing business, they need team members who are eager to contribute and willing to take on projects with uncertain outcomes.
The product first came out last year, and the manufacturer was willing to donate one of its first turbines to the museum's experiment.
McGinty helped ABCNEWS put together an experiment to test just how willing women are to date shorter men.
Most men are not willing to do experiment on the perfume selected by themselves, rather that using it.
The fit for DLC was natural, we're able to explore and experiment with things we weren't able or willing to on the main game.
The fit for DLC was natural, we're able to explore and experiment with things we weren't able or willing to on the main game.