Willingness to learn and adapt to changes.
Or you may have very little to offer, except the willingness to learn and work hard.
Our willingness to learn the lesson corrects the mistake, which adds to our knowledge and wisdom.
But the key skills of a butler, says Mr. Poiss, is a 'willingness to learn, enthusiasm and passion.
NB. Don't worry if you feel none of these apply. A willingness to learn is the most important quality.
If you \ \ \ 're thoughtful, get the right feedback, and have the capacity and willingness to learn and change..
They have nice voice quality, outgoing personality, willingness to learn new things and of course, confidence!
A willingness to learn to improve your career and finances are essential if you want to eventually become wealthy.
Note: the course time is scheduled for time, there may be changes, if there is a willingness to learn, telephone consultation.
She was appreciated at work due to her pleasant demeanour and willingness to learn and thus was promoted to a financial assistant.
His best assets are his willingness to learn what he needs to complete the job and his ability to absorb the information like a sponge.
The willingness to learn from our mistakes and listen to our customers requires a high degree of humility, and is just as vital to a company's survival.
If someone asks you a question and you point out that you've already answered it, then you're killing their willingness to learn, or even to have a slight interest in what you say.
The ability to predict earthquakes, the organization skills to coordinate relief efforts and the power to communicate the severity of a situation all depend on your willingness to learn.
The experiential quality afforded by such tools depends upon many factors, including the participants' willingness to accept the tools and learn to use them properly.
People may understand the company's intentions and recognize them as positive, as well as recognize its willingness to listen to and learn from its users.
That willingness to be bold got Shepard through a few other rough patches chronicled in his book and it's one of the greatest lessons I think most people can learn.
All it took was the willingness to keep moving forward, and have faith in the fact that I would learn what I needed to learn.
That approach demands much of our clients - the commitment of their leadership, their willingness to teach and to learn, their courage to transform and be transformed - and rewards us both.
Thank you again and again for helping me to learn about stuttering, and for your willingness to be part of the online conference.
Being passionate about your work shows a willingness to do and learn more. this will definitely help you stand out from the crowd and get top management's attention.
Objective To learn the present situation of seeing doctor and willingness to pay money for community health service among the urban inhabitants.
In order to facilitate your process of change, you will need to learn the lessons of willingness and patience.
Demonstrating a willingness to own your work, listen, and learn will definitely score a few points in your favor.
The only thing you need is a willingness to work for what you want, patience to learn what you need to know, and just a little bit of belief in yourself.
And she does so equipped with a willingness to engage and learn from others alongside an acute awareness of the many lessons other nations can learn from China.
Willingness and ability to learn new operating systems or application software packages;
Successful language progress requires a good memory, plenty of hard work, and a willingness to use what you learn.
Successful language progress requires a good memory, plenty of hard work, and a willingness to use what you learn.