American film studios are desperate to win approval for releases in China because its film market is rocketing.
So the real question is what would-be manufacturers of biogenerics will be required to do to win approval here.
But observers say the chances that Ukraine and Georgia, which has also put in a bid, will win approval in Bucharest are slim.
If you do things to win approval, then you are doing it for yourself. If you are doing anything for your self, it isnt selfless.
To win approval in the Senate on October 1st, the bill was amended to increase the limits on federal deposit insurance (see article).
Lee got the group focused on writing the formal legal charter that they submitted in August to win approval from Alameda County.
Lacking a majority in Congress, Ms Chinchilla faces a struggle to win approval for extra taxes to pay for her modest security build-up.
At present, the agency generally undertakes such analyses only when drug makers seek to win approval for a new use of a medicine, he said.
Obama to win approval on international trade pacts and tax reform, and said they agreed in a telephone call to look for issues where they could reach agreement.
The need to improve on those figures is one reason why Wal-Mart's banking application may be more likely to win approval from Mexico's regulators than from America's.
Most remarkable of all is the fact that each question was decided by consensus, thus enhancing prospects that the treaty will win approval when it comes up for ratification.
A 20-year action plan for cutting the rate of world population growth is expected to win wide approval today in Cairo.
To become law the RES must still win the approval of the Senate, which rejected a similar measure earlier this year.
He says deficits hurt the economy because they cause interest rates to rise and slow growth.The budget has to win congressional approval before it can become law, a process that could take months.
Progress by developers in cleaning up after themselves tends to win only grudging approval.
Public outrage has also been stoked by insurers' attempts to win regulators' approval for huge rate increases for certain types of customers.
Although USPS is expected to function as a business, it is in the peculiar position of needing to win Congress's approval for changes to its strategy.
The budget has to win congressional approval before it can become law, a process that could take months.
It has been accepted by doctors and used by drug makers to win quick approval for new medicines to reduce cholesterol.
One is a law intended to encourage generics that grants the first copy of a patented drug to win regulatory approval in America a six-month monopoly.
Directors of BSkyB said they wanted 800 pence a share, but the two sides agreed to first see if they could win regulatory approval for the deal before sitting down at the negotiating table over price.
I must do well and win the approval of others for my performances or else I am no good.
These may be just the opening shots in what may be a sticky process to win parliament’s approval of a new cabinet.
And some of the newest and most effective migraine treatments and preventive drugs have yet to win Food and drug Administration approval for pediatric use.
I noticed a calendar display in a bookstore the other day just shortly after receiving an E-mail from a reader complaining that I waste too much time trying to win over straight society's approval.
In a conference call on Monday morning, Google said it was confident that it will be able to win regulatory approval, since the deal will ultimately improve competition in the smart phone market.
In a conference call on Monday morning, Google said it was confident that it will be able to win regulatory approval, since the deal will ultimately improve competition in the smart phone market.