Too many schools adopt the "win at all costs" moral standard and measure their success by sporting achievements.
Yet the grid remained and the rules remained: attack, defend, capture, sacrifice. Win at all costs.
When white lion into the valley, a young people find their to win at all costs to protect white lion.
Too many schools adopt the win at all costs moral standard and measure their success by sporting achievements.
Too many schools adopt the 'win at all costs' moral standard and measure their success by sporting achievements.
We attacked a lot and obviously Romania was able to hit back on the counter attack, but this happens when you want to win at all costs.
We know perfectly it will be one of our last chances to catch the train of Champions League qualification and we know we have to win at all costs.
It was a shame that not many people knew about this film because Roberts does a good job of portraying Alex Villard, who runs the academy with a "win at all costs" mentality.
We can't think it is necessary we have to win at all costs, but we just have to think about playing to the best of our ability to improve our chances of qualifying at the end of the first leg.
The women's volleyball team put up a desperate fight to win the world championship at all costs.
The women's volleyball team put up a desperate fight to win the world championship at all costs.